Till vem bifogades bifokalerna i filmen Chinatown?


I 1974-filmen Chinatown händer följande:

At Evelyn's mansion, Gittes finds her servants packing her things. He realizes her garden pond is salt water and discovers a pair of bifocals in it. He confronts Evelyn about her "sister"; after Gittes slaps her, she admits that the woman, Katherine, is her sister and her daughter: her father raped her when she was fifteen. She says that the eyeglasses are not Mulwray's, as he did not wear bifocals. Wikipedia-Chinatown

Eftersom bifokalerna inte tillhörde Mulwray, varför anklagade Gittes korset om att mörda Mulwray i saltvattnet och lämna bifokalerna i dammen?

uppsättning user2728397 15.03.2016 10:56

1 svar


Gittes konkluderar att de är Noah Cross's. Från manuset:

GITTES: An obituary column... can you read in this light?

CROSS: Yes... I think I can manage...

Cross dips into his coat pocket and pulls out a pair of rimless glasses.. He puts them on, reads. Gittes stares at the bifocal lenses as Cross continues to look through the obituary column. He looks up.

CROSS: What does this mean?

GITTES: -- that you killed Hollis Mulwray --

Gittes is holding the bifocals with the broken lens now.

GITTES: (continuing) -- right here, in this pond. You drowned him... and you left these.

Och eftersom Noah tar bort dem för att inte inkriminera sig, är Gittes troligen rätt.

svaret ges 15.03.2016 11:12