Det korta svaret på den här är "kanske". Skådespelaren som föreställde Cypher (Joe Pantoliano) tror verkligen det, men hans åsikter verkar vara baserade på hans representation i den tidigare (1996) versionen av manuset, inte det senare skjutskriptet. Det är säkert möjligt att han fick höra en sak, men då inte uppdaterad.
Observera att "96-versionen av skriptet är en där många potentiella" Enas "har blivit rädda och dött, med Neo bara den senaste möjliga matchen.
JP: ... In The Matrix, Cypher is the most human character in the story because he has doubt. Cypher was born of Morpheus. Cypher didn’t just show up. He was allegedly “the one.” If you look at the movie again, Morpheus had picked Cypher as “the one” even though he was not the one. By the time Morpheus finds Neo, Cypher says “six guys, he thought, and they always die.” Cypher explains his whole attitude when he says “I know this steak isn’t real, I know that it’s not real, but when I put it in my mouth, it’s juicy and delicious.” Cypher tells the story of The Matrix from his perspective when he says “ignorance is bliss.” Your question is born out of ignorance. Cypher scares you, so you label him as a scumbag so you don’t have to be afraid of him.