Frågan om det glömda ammunitionspaketet i den första taxituren och den glömda pistolväskan berodde på budgetnedskärningar från Fox.
Räv tvingar besättningen att skära $ 7 miljoner från manuset i sista minuten från en redan begränsad budget på 58 miljoner dollar. I en intervju med MTV pratar Ryan Reynolds om den mycket låga budgeten, "Budgeten är inte vad vi hoppades Det skulle vara, den här [flanelskjortan] är egentligen kostymen, "
Och Reynolds hade svårt att utveckla filmen på grund av studiekraven, sade Reynolds
We went through such hell developing the script and which X-Men we could keep and which we couldn’t and it just turned into a nightmare. The studio would just say, ‘too expensive, too expensive, too expensive’ to everyone. So finally we were like well, “What about Negasonic Teenage Warhead” and they said, “Negasonic, what?”
Och screenwriter Rhett Reese sa,
There was a reduction of action. We had a motorcycle chase between Deadpool and Ajax (Francis) on the freeway that we took out. We had a big, big gun fight in the third act that we took out and we basically had Deadpool forget his guns as a means of getting around it. So there were just reductions.
Det finns mer på detta på " Hur begränsningarna av en liten budget tvingar Deadpool-laget att göra en mycket bättre film "