Har du tittat på Street Grimoire ?
Det har mycket innehåll om magi i det akademiska livet, som jag inte klistrar på allt här, men citerar bara det mest relevanta stycket (s. 16):
Universities present the most consistent career path for magicians, but they create a problem because magicians often end up with the same flavor as their university, taking away from the individuality of the form. Overall there are Associate, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral level degrees conferred in Thaumaturgy. The organization of Thaumaturgy colleges has sparked debate how magic should be taught. Traditionally speaking, Thaumaturgy is considered a science at the university level. Magicians construct spell formulae and follow traditions rooted in reason. Newer programs relate magic more closely to schools of art, treating the traditions as individual art forms and conferring Thaumaturgic Arts degrees at the Bachelors and Masters levels.