Vilka djur har Newt Scamander i sin bagage?

Inne i Fantastiska djur och var att hitta dem -filmen, rymmer Newt Scamanders bagage många olika magiska djur. Jag har erkänt följande varelser från Fantastiska djur och var att hitta dem bok eller de viktigaste Harry Potter-böckerna.

  • Niffler (söker glänsande föremål, fortsätter att krypa ur Newt's bagage)
  • Demigera (osynlig och allmänt fredlig, rasande i staden)
  • Erumpent (noshörning som spränger explosivt gift från hornet, har en lång chase scen med Newt och Jacob, så småningom sprängar ett träd med giftet)
  • Occamy (luckor från silverägg, en luckor i filmen)
  • Clabbert (alarmfågel, varnade Newt för fara)
  • Diricawl (fågel som kan teleportera på vilja, ett pack av kycklingar som ses inne i bagaget)
  • Mooncalf (Newt ber Jacob att mata dem)

Men det här är inte ens nästan hela listan över magiska varelser som visades i filmen att komma från bagaget.

Vilka andra magiska djur var där i bagaget? Kan jag ha erkänt någon av dem om jag läser Harry Potter-böckerna och tilläggsböckerna? Två saknar i synnerhet viktiga roller i historien: de små varelser som kan välja lås och se ut som grön växt delar och den stora fyrvingarna som Newt vill återvända till Arizona.

Jag klagar inte, jag kan föreställa mig många anledningar till att jag inte kände igen några varelser. Kanske har jag bara inte betalat tillräckligt med uppmärksamhet åt boken Fantastic Beasts . boken var så dålig att jag lyckades förtrycka minnet på det mesta av innehållet mer än jag trodde. Kanske är utgåvan av den boken som distribueras för Muggles censurerad, så vissa varelser saknar det. boken som gör Muggles glömmer några av posterna, eller tillåter inte Muggles att känna igen några av varelserna.)

uppsättning b_jonas 21.11.2016 23:55

1 svar


Varelsen som väljer låser är en Bowtruckle , som ursprungligen beskrivs i Fantastiska djur och var att hitta dem som ...

...a tree-guardian creature found mainly in the west of England, southern Germany, and certain Scandinavian forests. It is immensely difficult to spot, being small (maximum eight inches in height) and apparently made of bark and twigs with two small brown eyes.

The Bowtruckle, which eats insects, is a peaceable and intensely shy creature but if the tree in which it lives is threatened, it has been known to leap down upon the woodcutter or tree-surgeon attempting to harm its home and gouge at their eyes with its long, sharp fingers. An offering of woodlice will placate the Bowtruckle long enough to let a witch or wizard remove wand-wood from its tree.

Den stora fyrafjädrade fågeln är en Thunderbird . Denna varelse (eller snarare djur) förekommer inte i den ursprungliga Fantastic Beasts-broschyren och uppenbarligen skapades speciellt för filmen.


Som Swooping Evil


Duharocksåförsummatattnämna Murtlap (djuret som biter Jacob) , beskrivet i fantastiska djur som ...

...a ratlike creature found in coastal areas of Britain. It has a growth upon its back resembling a sea anemone. When pickled and eaten, these Murtlap growths promote resistance to curses and jinxes, though an overdose may cause unsightly purple ear hair. Murtlaps eat crustaceans and the feet of anyone foolish enough to step on them.

Och Doxy , beskrivet som ...

often mistaken for a fairy (see page 16) though it is a quite separate species. Like the fairy, it has a minute human form, though in the Doxy’s case this is covered in thick black hair and has an extra pair of arms and legs. The Doxy’s wings are thick, curved, and shiny, much like a beetle’s. Doxies are found throughout northern Europe and America, preferring cold climates. They lay up to five hundred eggs at a time and bury them. The eggs hatch in two to three weeks. Doxies have double rows of sharp, venomous teeth. An antidote should be taken if bitten.

och Graphorn , beskrivet som

... found in mountainous European regions. Large and greyish purple with a humped back, the Graphorn has two very long, sharp horns, walks on large, four-thumbed feet, and has an extremely aggressive nature. Mountain trolls can occasionally be seen mounted on Graphorns, though the latter do not seem to take kindly to attempts to tame them and it is more common to see a troll covered in Graphorn scars. Powdered Graphorn horn is used in many potions, though it is immensely expensive owing to the difficulty in collecting it. Graphorn hide is even tougher than a dragon’s and repels most spells.

och Fwooper , ...

... an African bird with extremely vivid plumage; Fwoopers may be orange, pink, lime green, or yellow. The Fwooper has long been a provider of fancy quills and also lays brilliantly patterned eggs. Though at first enjoyable, Fwooper song will eventually drive the listener to insanity and the Fwooper is consequently sold with a Silencing Charm upon it, which will need monthly reinforcement. Fwooper owners require licences, as the creatures must be handled responsibly.

och Grindylows , ...

... A horned, pale-green water demon, the Grindylow is found in lakes throughout Britain and Ireland. It feeds on small fish and is aggressive towards wizards and Muggles alike, though merpeople have been known to domesticate it. The Grindylow has very long fingers, which, though they exert a powerful grip, are easy to break.

och Nundu , som tidigare hänvisats till i Fantastic Beasts som en Nudu .

This East African beast is arguably the most dangerous in the world. A gigantic leopard that moves silently despite its size and whose breath causes disease virulent enough to eliminate entire villages, it has never yet been subdued by fewer than a hundred skilled wizards working together.

och Billywig , beskrivet som ... insect native to Australia. It is around half an inch long and a vivid sapphire blue, although its speed is such that it is rarely noticed by Muggles and often not by wizards until they have been stung. The Billywig’s wings are attached to the top of its head and are rotated very fast so that it spins as it flies. At the bottom of the body is a long thin sting. Those who have been stung by a Billywig suffer giddiness followed by levitation. Generations of young Australian witches and wizards have attempted to catch Billywigs and provoke them into stinging in order to enjoy these side effects, though too many stings may cause the victim to hover uncontrollably for days on end, and where there is a severe allergic reaction, permanent floating may ensue. Dried Billywig stings are used in several potions and are believed to be a component in the popular sweet Fizzing Whizbees.

Niffler, Demiguise, Erumpent, Occamy, Clabbert, Diricawl och Mooncalf visas alla i källhäftet tillsammans med en kort beskrivning av deras beteenden, matkällor och naturliga platser.

I synnerhet visas Clabbert inte i filmen, även om den visas i slips -in videospel . Marmite gör ett utseende, men heter inte i filmen, manus eller källboken.

svaret ges 22.11.2016 02:02