Varför slösades Luca Brasis liv väsentligt i The Godfather? [duplicera]


Jag har inte läst novellen, jag bygger bara frågan på vad jag såg i filmen.

Don Corleone beställer Luca Brasi, en av hans mest betrodda muskelman, för att infiltrera en rivaliserad familj och få sin förtroende och information.

Den motsatta familjen hade säkert vetat om Luca och hans starka anknytning till Corleone. Vilket som helst ord annars skulle vara skrattret, med tanke på omständigheterna.

Han är inte en särskilt smart man, och på något sätt är han väl talad. Vi ser honom förbereda ett mycket kort tal, under en relativt lång tid och sedan fumla över hans ord som önskar Don och hans dotter goda tidningar på hennes bröllopsdag.

Jag ser Luca som mer av en lojal meathead / hitman än en spetsig spion, så jag tycker att det här var antingen en överdrivet dum flytt av Don C, eller han ville ha Luca ute av bilden av skäl som ligger bortom mig.

Varför skickade Don Corleone i huvudsak Luca Brasi för att sova med fiskarna?

uppsättning Bango 27.09.2017 20:33

1 svar


Tyvärr är detta en förekomst där filmen överskrider Vits plan.

I see Luca as more of a loyal meathead/hitman than a cunning spy.

The opposing family would have surely known about Luca, and his strong affiliation with the Corleone's. Any word otherwise would be laughable, given the circumstances.

Brasi skickades på ett uppdrag som krävde subtilitet och listighet ... inte något du skulle använda en "meathead" för.

Luca Brasi had made contact with the forces of Sollozzo several months before. He had done so on the orders of Don Corleone himself. He had done so by frequenting the nightclubs controlled by the Tattaglia Family and by taking up with one of their top call girls. In bed with this call girl he grumbled about how he was held down in the Corleone Family, how his worth was not recognized. After a week of this affair with the call girl, Luca was approached by Bruno Tattaglia, manager of the nightclub.

The first meeting was all above-board, Tattaglia offering him a job to work in the Family business as enforcer. The flirtation went on for nearly a month. Luca played his role of man infatuated with a young beautiful girl, Bruno Tattaglia the role of a businessman trying to recruit an able executive from a rival. At one such meeting, Luca pretended to be swayed, then said, “But one thing must be understood. I will never go against the Godfather. Don Corleone is a man I respect. I understand that he must put his sons before me in the Family business.”

The general idea had been to lead the Tattaglias to believe that he knew about the lucrative narcotics operation and that he wanted a piece of it freelance. In that fashion he might hear something about Sollozzo’s plans if the Turk had any, or whether he was getting ready to step on the toes of Don Corleone. After waiting for two months with nothing else happening, Luca reported to the Don that obviously Sollozzo was taking his defeat graciously. The Don had told him to keep trying but merely as a sideline, not to press it.

The Godfather - Mario Puzo

Så Luca var inte "infiltrera ledarna" per se , bara samlar in intelligens av förening med Tattaglias.

Inget av detta passar din tolkning av Brasi, men, som jag nämnde, lämnar intrycket som filmen lämnar en hel del Brasis historia på skärgolvet.

svaret ges 27.09.2017 22:28