Det enda sättet att vara helt säker är att fråga flygbolaget.
När biljetten utfärdades av en agent, skulle flygbolaget vanligtvis vara ovilligt (eller i många fall inte kontraktsberättigade) att ändra biljetten, men de kan ge dig råd om begränsningarna på biljetten, inklusive om du måste komplettera alla benen på biljetten i ordning.
Om du vill göra legworken själv, kan du alltid kolla flygbolagens transportvillkor.
Coupon Sequence and Use
3.3.1. If you have chosen a tariff which provides for you keeping to a strict ticket sequence, please note the following: If carriage on a previous leg of the journey is not used or not used in the sequence anticipated on the ticket, the fare charged for that flight will be the fare that would have applied to your differing but actual route at the point of booking. If this fare is higher than the fare for the route indicated on your ticket, we can make further carriage conditional on you subsequently paying the additional charge which has accrued.
Så jag läser det eftersom det inte finns någon automatisk annullering av de senare benen på biljetten, men det kan bli en avgift.
Men British Airways anger :
3c2) Your ticket is no longer valid if you do not use all the coupons in the sequence provided in the ticket. Where you change your travel without our agreement and the price for the resulting transportation you intend to undertake is greater than the price originally paid, you will be requested to pay the difference in price. Failure to pay the price applicable to your revised transportation will result in refusal of carriage.
Som anger för mig att de förbehåller sig rätten att avbryta återstående ben samt justera avgifterna.
British Airways CoC fortsätter med att ange:
3c5) If you change your transportation without our agreement, your unused flight coupons will not be valid for travel and will have no value and we will not carry you until:
- we or our authorised agents have re-calculated the revised fare for your actual transportation and
- you have paid the difference (if any) between the fare you have already paid and the revised fare which applies to your changed transportation.
If the revised fare is lower than the fare you have already paid, we or our authorised agents will refund you the difference.
3c6) While some changes to your transportation will not result in a change of fare, others, such as changing the place of departure (for example, because you have not used the first flight coupon in your ticket or you have reversed the direction of your travel) may result in a fare increase. Many fares are valid only for travel on the dates and for the flights shown on the ticket. You may not be able to change these at all or only if you pay us an extra fee to do so.
Detta gör det klart för mig - om du inte flyger benen i ordern på biljetten är biljetten ogiltig tills British Airways gör justeringen för att anpassa förändringarna.