Det nämns ofta att mat kan programmeras in i replikatorn, men aldrig (enligt min kunskap) med detaljer om hur den programmeringen sker. Förutom @ Valorums citat finns det en förekomst i "Lessons" där Nella programmerar flera olika teorter i replikatorn.
NELLA: Earl Grey? No wonder you can't sleep. Computer, bring replicators back online and give me a cup of Daren herbal tea blend number three, hot. You shouldn't be drinking a stimulant at this time of night. I think you'll like this.
NELLA: I've programmed seven other blends into the replicator. You're bound to like one of them.
PICARD: I look forward to sampling them.
The Next Generation Transcripts - Episode Listings, "Lessons"
Vi gör , men har en aning om hur holografiska program görs. Om vi skulle komma in i konjunkturens rike kan vi notera att:
Holographic programs could be stored on holodeck databases. ... These databases often contained many stock elements that could be called up by a user to design new holographic programs, such as particular eating establishments, famous cities, and characters.
Holographic Program - Memory Alpha
Vi ser också tecken som skapar och modifierar holodeck-program genom verbal interaktion:
JANEWAY: Computer, display Fair Haven character Michael Sullivan. Adjust his parameters to the following specifications. Give him the education of a nineteenth century third year student at Trinity College.
COMPUTER: Modification complete.
JANEWAY: Now, access the character's interactive subroutines. Make him more provocative.
COMPUTER: Specify.
JANEWAY: Give him a more complicated personality.
COMPUTER: Specify.
JANEWAY: More outspoken, more confident, not so reserved. And make him more curious about the world around him.
COMPUTER: Modification complete.
JANEWAY: Good. Now, increase the character's height by three centimetres. Remove the facial hair. No, no, I don't like that. Put some back. About two days' growth. Better. Oh, one more thing. Access his interpersonal subroutines. Familial characters. Delete the wife.
COMPUTER: Modification complete.
JANEWAY: Pleased to meet you, Mister Sullivan.
The Voyager Transcripts - Fair Haven, Fair Haven clip on YouTube
Vi kan då extrapolera att replikatorn fungerar på samma sätt - de har en databas med kända livsmedel och livsmedelskomponenter, och nya rätter kan skapas genom att integrera och modifiera de befintliga elementen via Star Trek s mycket sofistikerade verbalt gränssnitt. Vilket är i huvudsak vad @Valorum sa.