Oldtidshistoria kallad "vilken tid är det?"


Jag letar efter en gammal science fiction-historia som jag läste i en antologi för många år sedan (förmodligen på 60-talet) som heter "vilken tid är det?" Det handlar om en grupp gymnasieskolor eller högskolans ålderspojkar som hoppar in i professorns tidsmaskin och hamnar i de tidigare kämpande indianerna och hoppar sedan in i framtiden där alla bilar är sönderrivna. Historien är mycket enkelläsning, men jag har inte hittat den någonstans sedan. Idéer, någon?

uppsättning Gary 06.08.2014 01:44

1 svar


Jag letar efter en gammal science fiction-historia som jag läste i en antologi för många år sedan (förmodligen på 60-talet) som heter "vilken tid är det?"

ISFDB listar fyra historier av den titeln, inklusive berättelser av Isaac Asimov , Jack C. Haldeman, II , och Rita Lamb , men den ena du letar efter är "Vilken tid är det?" av Richard M. Elam, Jr. .

Det handlar om en grupp högskolor eller college ålder pojkar

Två high school boys:

"A college engineering teacher's pay must be good these days," quipped Chuck Parker, as they walked up the winding flagstone path to the house.

Tom, who was tall with wavy blond hair, looked down on his shorter, freckle-faced companion. "A professor's pay couldn't afford this, Chuck. Dr. Haley's one of the outstanding scientists in the country. It's his great inventions in electronics that have brought him the extra cash."

"Wonder what he wants to see a couple of high-school goofs like us for?" Chuck muttered.

som hoppar in i sin professors tidsmaskin

På hans begäran. Han planerade inte att skicka pojkarna genom tiden, han ville bara att de skulle reparera en defekt växel, men de av misstag startade det:

It was a tight fit for the two of them. Tom handed Chuck a screw driver and showed him what he wanted. Chuck lifted the spring, but it popped back into his face. Chuck swung his arm back, startled.

And then it happened.

The boys' eyes suddenly became blurry, and they felt as though they were going down in a whirlpool. Their knees buckled, and they alternately felt terrible heat and icy cold. Then they blacked out . . .

och sluta i tidigare kämpande indianer

Egentligen var deras första stopp i Pleistocene: sabertooths, glyptodons, etc. Deras nästa stopp träffas indianerna:

"The ancient Canal Builders!" Tom said suddenly. "This is six or seven hundred years before our time. Some of the race's artifacts were recovered on the northwest corner of the campus last year—just about the spot where that village is!"

Våra pojkar gör inga strider, men de är mitt i en indisk vs indisk kamp:

Down the slope the attackers plunged, obviously heading for the village. They appeared unaware of the cringing youths and their curious machine. In a moment Tom knew they would be on top of them.

He yanked the fear-paralyzed Chuck into the Traveler. An arrow from the village defenders skimmed so close to Tom he could see the turkey-feathered shaft. His hands trembling, he seized the lever and shoved it forward. Once again they were hurled into the stream of time. . .

och hoppa sedan in i framtiden där alla bilar är sönderrivna form.

The windows were huge long rectangles that were crystal clear. The boys decided that these must be a kind of Plexiglas. They looked out one of the windows and gasped at what they saw.

It was definitely the future. The air was full of low winking lights that turned out to be helicopters. It seemed as though nearly every family in the city must own one. There were a number of triple-decked highway trestles, completely lighted, over which sped teardrop-shaped automobiles.

svaret ges 06.08.2014 01:57