Are Chameloids relaterade till grundarna?


Karaktären Martia i Star Trek VI är mycket lik den som grundarna har, det finns någon indikation på att hon och hennes art (The Chameloids ) är relaterade till grundarna? Kan hon ha varit en av de 100 skickade ut?

uppsättning 04.07.2015 19:08

2 svar


TOS "Vem gudar förstör"

KIRK: How does he manage to change form at will?
CORY: The people of Antos taught him the techniques of cellular metamorphosis to restore the destroyed parts of his body. By himself, he later learned to use the technique to recreate himself into any form he wished. The first time we knew about it was when a guard, seeing what he thought was me in Garth's cell, released him.

TAS "Survivor"

KIRK: There's something wrong about this room.
(He goes over to a biobed)
KIRK: All right, Winston. You can come out now. I suggest you show yourself, Winston, or whatever you are.
MCCOY: Did you say I'm a man of curious habits? Jim's talking to a table.
SPOCK: I don't think so, Doctor.
KIRK: There used to be only two examining tables in this room. Now there are three.
SPOCK: I just realised that.
KIRK: This is a vial of Orientine acid, Winston. It will burn through almost anything but this crystal. If you've never seen it work, I'll demonstrate on you.
(The table transforms into the alien)
MCCOY: I saw that, but I don't believe it.
SPOCK: A Vendorian, Doctor. Their planet is quarantined, and few people ever do see them. Their ability to rearrange their molecular structure into anything with the same general size and mass and their practise of deceit as a way of life puts them off limits.

Med dessa erfarenheter följer följande dialog i Star Trek VI: Det oupptäckta landet verkar lite udda:

McCOY: Would you mind explaining that little trick you do?
MARTIA: I'm a chameloid.
KIRK: I've heard about you. 'Shapeshifters', I thought you were mythical.

Kirk borde ha känt om andra form shifters redan.

Så det kan lägga till ett par mer shapeshifting arter före de första chengelingsna i Deep Space Nine .

svaret ges 04.07.2015 22:24

Nix. Bortsett från det faktum att de kan byta form, finns det ingen större koppling mellan Chameleoid-arterna och grundarna. Speciellt är kameleoiderna begränsade till att behålla sina ögon för att se världen runt dem, medan grundarna tydligen kan använda en annan mening (eventuellt någon form av begränsad telepati?) För att se utan att behöva ögon.

Per denna intervju med skådespelerskan Iman från tidningen Cinefantastique :

The only common denominator that we have is the eyes. Everything else I can change about myself but my eyes

En grundare skulle inte ha denna begränsning.

svaret ges 04.07.2015 19:40