Varför tog Groundhog Day på Groundhog Day?


Groundhog Day är naturligtvis en genial premiss: en ryck fastnar i en tidsling som är tvungen att återuppleva samma dag om och om och om tills han blir en snäll, generös man och äntligen förstår kärlek . Det är en moralisk berättelse som nästan säkert kommer att vara ett test av tiden.

Det är en historia som kunde ha ställts in på något ställe eller tidpunkt. Men det finns också det tillägg som historien äger rum under USA: s mest uppskattade och hokey-semester i Pennsylvania's boonies.

Varför bestämde skribenterna eller producenterna att sätta filmen på Groundhog Day, i Punxsutawney? När gjorde de i filmprocessen beslutet, eller var det en Groundhog Day-film från starten?

uppsättning TenthJustice 03.02.2017 22:46

1 svar


Tydligen var det mestadels godtyckligt . Från en TCM-artikel om filmen :

Some viewers may be surprised to learn that there was no major reason why Groundhog Day was the holiday chosen for the film's backdrop. In an online interview with [the film's] writer [Danny] Rubin, he explains: "There were many reasons that Groundhog Day was a good arbitrary choice. It was a good choice because it's in the dead of winter. That made good sense for the story since the main character was stuck in his darkest day. It made sense that the character would come from out of town, and that the character was predicting the weather.... It's also an 'unexploited' movie holiday. The reason it became Groundhog Day was that I got the idea right around that time, and I happened to be one of the few people outside Pennsylvania that knew about it."

Rubin vidareutvecklade i den här Telegraph artikeln att han bara plockade den ur en kalender :

When I sat down to begin writing this screenplay the first thing I knew I had to figure out was which day was repeating. To begin, I simply opened the calendar and the first holiday I came across was Groundhog Day, February 2. Yes, it was that simple.

In America people are vaguely aware of a holiday called “Groundhog Day”, and that somewhere there is a large rodent whose emergence from his burrow tells spectators whether or not spring is going to come early. But because of a writing job I had done years before for a Pennsylvania phone company I was one of the few people outside of that state who knew that the groundhog festival took place in a small town called Punxsutawney.

By choosing Punxsutawney I had a small, claustrophobic place for my character to get stuck. I also had a reason for my character, a weatherman, to go to the town: to cover the groundhog festival. I even had a name for my character: Phil, which I had borrowed from the famous groundhog.

svaret ges 03.02.2017 22:54