Finns det någon information om vad Alan Moore hade i åtanke för att utöka Watchmen-franchisen?


Alan Moore uttalade tillbaka 1985 att om den ursprungliga Watchmen mini-serien var väl mottagen skulle han och Gibbons möjligen skapa en 12-fråges prequel-serie som heter Minutemen med 1940-talets superhjältegrupp från historien.

Men på grund av kontraktstvister slutade Moore sin association med DC Comics 1989.

Under 2010 sa Moore i en intervju att

"[DC Comics] offered me the rights to Watchmen back, if I would agree to some dopey prequels and sequels," [...]

"So I just told them that if they said that 10 years ago, when I asked them for that, then yeah it might have worked," he said. "But these days I don't want Watchmen back. Certainly, I don't want it back under those kinds of terms."

"Alan Moore: 'I don't want Watchmen back'", interview with Wired, October 2010

Detta innebär att ungefär 10 år efter att Moore slutade sin förening med DC, det fanns en dialog om honom som vill göra mer Watchmen-innehåll.

Finns det mer information om denna dialog? Hände han till den ursprungliga tanken att lägga till Minutemen prequel-serien, eller var det kanske andra idéer som var involverade? Var Dave Gibbons en del av denna diskussion?

uppsättning Beofett 01.02.2012 16:39

1 svar


Från sidan 3 av 8 i en intervju med Alan Moore, värd Seraphemera Books: Den första referensen till Minutemen-storylinerna som Moore ville göra innan han föll ut med DC Comics:

KA: I'm not in complete agreement with you about the quality of comics that have come out since Watchmen. There have been some great books since then--none of them as good as Watchmen, admittedly, but still well-worth reading. But, one thing that amazes me about all this is that they're not just putting out a 12-issue prequel miniseries or one graphic novel. I've heard you and Dave Gibbons had even discussed doing a Minutemen prequel decades ago. But Before Watchmen crosses through 35 comics. It will cost nearly $140 for someone to buy all of them. That sounds like they loaded every story idea they had into a cannon and lit the fuse. Even if I was interested in reading this, it would still seem like overkill.

AM: It would seem to me that in bringing out 35 books--even if these, for some reason, sell remarkably well; even if there are some people out there who are so undiscriminating that they are going to have to collect every one of these books--even if that happens, that is not going to generate enough money to reverse the comics industry's rapidly declining fortunes. That's not the reason why they're bringing these things out. I don't think that DC are interested in comics anymore. They're interested in growing franchises, like a pumpkin patch. Hollywood--now that's where you make the real money, or in computer games, or in any of these franchise spin-offs. I might be wrong, I don't really know very much about how these corporations work. But, I think what they're hoping to do with this raft of titles is spin off some new miniseries, television movies, or computer games--merchandising. That's the only thing that makes it valuable to them. They don't appear to have noticed that Watchmen is an ensemble piece. Actually, none of those characters really work on their own. They work in the context of the story.

An Interview with Alan Moore

Often The Truth gets lost in The Sound Bite. An extensive and exclusive interview about Watchmen and Beyond Watchmen. Mr. Moore gave a quote here, a comment there. Spoke a little about what it meant that DC was going to revisit these characters he created. But his full statement has never been revealed--only quoted.

Seraphemera Books offered Moore the chance to speak his mind however he should see fit. As we’re as indie as it gets, we’re beholden to no concerns outside of providing the loudspeaker for the voice of somebody who, while his stories are widely read and revered, doesn’t often get the opportunity to write the story about himself.

At Moore's invitation, Seraphemera Books comic writer Kurt Amacker conducted a ninety minute interview with the legendary creator. Amacker has conducted a series of interviews with Moore since 2006. The end result is less a collection of terse bullet points than a revealing and uncensored conversation between two creators--one, the best the medium has ever seen; the other, an independent at the very start of his career in comics.

So here it is - the transcript of a ninety minute interview, between Mr. Moore (The Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Batman: The Killing Joke, and so much more), and seraphemera books writer Kurt Amacker (Tad Caldwell, Dead Souls, Immortal:60).

Revealing, personal, uncensored and unchecked. This is Alan Moore as you've rarely heard him. Some stories are familiar. Some stories are new...and shocking...and sad. Read on for an intimate look at the architect of modern comics, and his long and personal struggle with the very industry he helped to elevate.

So, listen up. Come along for a true story so gruesome you’d never believe it, if somebody wrote it as fiction. Well, nobody except for Alan Moore...

Click here to start reading on Page 1

Denna flersidiga intervju kommer att svara på frågor som du kanske har haft om vad Alan Moore tänkte på sitt arbete och sin tid med DC Comics, hans åsikter om arbetet med pre-Watchmen-storylinerna och hur hans tid med DC har lämnade honom i sinnet att aldrig arbeta med DC igen. Väl värt varje minut av transkriptet.

svaret ges 15.03.2012 07:46