Andra källor till äventyrstid?


Vilka äventyrstidsvaror, inklusive böcker, serier och videospel, fungerar som kanoniska förlängningar till historien? Alla dessa ska vara i en lista. Inklusive Marcy's Scrapbook och namnet på Adventure Time Comics, vilka andra delar ingår i berättelsen? (Hur många problem med komiken är ute?)

uppsättning P-squizzle 03.12.2016 01:55

1 svar


Äventyrstid kanon objekt.

  • TV Show (självklart).

  • Slå in TV-servern, Stakes

  • Serier , utom där de stämmer överens med tv-programmen.

So yeah, the comics are as canonical as possible, and we put a lot of work into making sure that everything fits! But future episodes might contradict something, and then we’ll say “Hey, they’re still canonical, but Abracadaniel spilled just some some magic on that one page of the comic and changed all our memories of it and that’s why it doesn’t make sense anymore!!”

Ryan North Tumblr

Eller kanske inte

Are the Adventure Time comics canon?

No, not really.

Ask Adam Muto

"It will be canon and will tie into the show," Blean said, noting it's very possible the show could pick up the game's plot. He also said the game will finally reveal Princess Bubblegum's true age — "she is quite old," he said — and why she has built this dungeon.

New Adventure Time game has plenty of big plot reveals tied to the show

  • Marcys Superhemliga Scrapbook

Are Marcy's Super Secret Scrapbook and the newest comic book special canon to the show?

The new book is much closer to the show's canon than a lot of the previous books. I haven't read the final version yet, though, so I can't say it's 100%. There are probably some liberties taken for jokes or to make it flow better. Ideally, Hanna's comic will be 100% consistent with the show's continuity. But I haven't seen the final version of that yet either.

Ask Adam Muto

svaret ges 03.12.2016 02:05