Är det några fall av bibliotekarier som blir dreadnoughts?


Så ja, finns det några rymdbibliotekarer som har blivit interredda som rädsla? Jag tänkte att de skulle vara ganska ostoppbara i strid

uppsättning Neil Hanvey 08.05.2015 11:04

1 svar


De existerar , men jag tror inte att några någonsin nämns i fluff ...

De är unika för Blood Angels Chapter :

Librarian Dreadnoughts differ from standard Imperial Dreadnoughts in that their occupants are Astartes Librarians that have been crippled in combat. Librarians are the psykers of the Adeptus Astartes who survive a Chapter's rigorous screening and training process and learn to bend the powers of the Warp to their will for the benefit of their fellow Battle-Brothers and in service to the Imperium and the Emperor of Mankind. These Dreadnoughts are perhaps the most fearsome of all the Dreadnought variants, as they combine the Librarian's psychic might with the unyielding cybernetic body of a Dreadnought. Librarian Dreadnoughts have the ability to call upon the same psyker powers that they and many of their Astartes Librarians would call upon during combat.

svaret ges 08.05.2015 11:16