What var tillgången på silke i avfallet mellan Aiel?


I The Shadow Rising noterar Mat att

Laces and velvets vanished as soon as they were brought out, for astonishing quantities of silver and gold, and ribbons for not much less, but the finest silks just lay there. Silk was cheaper in trade to the east, he overheard a Shaido tell Kadere.

Vi lär oss också att ett omfattande handelsrutt med silke löper igenom eller springer genom avfallet mellan Shara och Cairhien, och att Aiel själva handlar omfattande med Sharans.

Men Aviendha i En krona av svärd :

—and here she wore a silk dress—of which she now owned four!—and silk stockings instead of stout wool, and a silk shift that made her aware of her skin in a way she never had been before. She could not deny the beauty of the dress, no matter how odd it was to find herself wearing such things, but silk was precious, and rare. A woman might have a scarf of silk, to be worn on feastdays and envied by others. Few women had two. It was different among these wetlanders, though.

Vad är den faktiska tillgängligheten av silke i avfallet?

uppsättning Himarm 14.03.2016 21:21

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