Det finns säkert vissa människor som ser ner på Hufflepuff.
När Draco presenterar sig för Harry i Filosofs Stone , säger han:
“Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been – imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?”
När Hagrid förklarar husets system till Harry, nämner han detta begrepp (även om det inte är helt klart huruvida Hagrid bara repeterar meme eller faktiskt håller med det):
“And what are Slytherin and Hufflepuff?”
“School houses. There’s four. Everyone says Hufflepuff are a lot o’ duffers, but –”
I välkomstbrevet Pottermore för Hufflepuff erkänner prefekten ett allmänt sentiment som Hufflepuff är imponerande:
There are a few things you should know about Hufflepuff house. First of all, let’s deal with a perennial myth about the place, which is that we’re the least clever house. […] We’ve produced more than our fair share of powerful, brilliant and daring witches and wizards, but, just because we don’t shout about it, we don’t get the credit we deserve.
Det här är lite annorlunda, men när Harry väljs som Triwizard Champion tillsammans med Cedric, upprepas det att Hufflepuff inte har ett gott rykte:
It was plain that the Hufflepuffs felt that Harry had stolen their champion’s glory; a feeling exacerbated, perhaps, by the fact that Hufflepuff House very rarely got any glory, and that Cedric was one of the few who had ever given them any, having beaten Gryffindor once at Quidditch.