Shaggy Guds historia: Man-kvinnligt par kvar i övergiven värld, utan minne


En Shaggy God novell jag läste noga i min ungdom på 70-talet, men publiceringsdatumet kunde " Jag har varit mycket tidigare. En civilisation överger helt och hållet sin planet före en invandring i utlandet, men av en anledning som jag inte kan komma ihåg lämnar jag en ung man och kvinna, som nödvändigtvis / villigt torkas av de som lämnar för att skydda civilisationen från att följas .

De anlända invaderarna finner paret värdelöst (tortyr skulle vara meningslöst) och lämna dem. Den sista scenen i historien är helt klart ett Adam / Eve-tema - paret är kvar i livet i den nu övergivna världen. (På något sätt minns jag alltid denna historia när jag hör tidigt Genesis "Watcher of the Skies".)

uppsättning David Boyd 18.02.2016 00:14

1 svar


Det här är Länken av Alan E. Nourse . Finns på Project Gutenberg .

Matchar civilisationen som flyktar invaderarna, paret kvarstod som torteras, görs mindless, som då blir Adam och Eva.

The inquisition had been horrible. Their minds had had no concept of such horror, such relentless, racking pain. The blazing lights, the questions screaming in their ears, Frankle's vicious eyes burning in frustration, and their own screams, rising with each question they would not answer until their throats were scorched and they could no longer scream. Finally they reached the limit they could endure, and muttered together the hoarse words that could deliver them. Not words that Frankle could hear, but words to bring deliverance, to blank out their minds like a wet sponge over slate. The hypnotic key clicked into the lock of their minds; their screams died in their brains. Frankle stared at them, and knew instantly what they had done, a technique of memory obliteration known and dreaded for so many thousands of years that history could not remember. As his captives stood mindless before him, he let out one hoarse, agonized scream of frustration and defeat.


Blinking dully, the woman crept into the cave after him. Three thoughts alone filled their empty minds. Not thoughts of Nehmon and his people; to them, Nehmon had never existed, forgotten as completely as if he had never been. No thoughts of the Hunters, either, nor of their unheard-of mercy in leaving them their lives—lives of memoryless oblivion, like animals in this green Jungle-land, but lives nonetheless.

Only three thoughts filled their minds:

It was raining.

They were hungry.

The Saber-tooth was prowling tonight.

They never knew that the link had been forged.

svaret ges 23.02.2016 22:22