Kungliga kanadensiska bandits svar är ganska mycket det. Jag kommer dock att expandera på det.
Varför Cersei behövde Eddard Starks samarbete?
Varys förklarade varför Cersei behövde Eddard Stark i AGOT:
“Cersei is frightened of you, my lord... but she has other enemies she fears even more. Her beloved Jaime is fighting the river lords even now. Lysa Arryn sits in the Eyrie, ringed in stone and steel, and there is no love lost between her and the queen. In Dorne, the Martells still brood on the murder of Princess Elia and her babes. And now your son marches down the Neck with a northern host at his back.”
Så Cersei behövde Eddards samarbete för att appease Norden eftersom:
Motiv för Cerseis erbjudande
Cersei var smart nog att inse att hon inte behövde slåss mot nordmännen om man kunde nå en kompromiss med Eddard Stark. Hennes största bekymmer var påståenden från Roberts bröder. Hon visste om hon kunde göra henne lugn med Eddard Stark, hon skulle kunna göra följande:
Cersei ville spara makt av huset Lannister för att bekämpa de verkliga hoten av Renly och Stannis Baratheon istället för att slita den i strid med Riverlords, Northmen och Valemen. Varys förklarade detta i AGOT som:
“A boy with an army,” Varys said. “Yet only a boy, as you say. The king’s brothers are the ones giving Cersei sleepless nights... Lord Stannis in particular. His claim is the true one, he is known for his prowess as a battle commander, and he is utterly without mercy. There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man. No one knows what Stannis has been doing on Dragonstone, but I will wager you that he’s gathered more swords than seashells. So here is Cersei’s nightmare: while her father and brother spend their power battling Starks and Tullys, Lord Stannis will land, proclaim himself king, and lop off her son’s curly blond head... and her own in the bargain, though I truly believe she cares more about the boy.”
Cersei visste att hon var bättre med en samarbetsvillig Eddard Stark än en död Eddard Stark som Varys förklarade:
Cersei is no fool. She knows a tame wolf is of more use than a dead one.
Cersei erbjudande
Cersei kunde självklart inte låta Eddard återuppta sin position som Warden of the North och Lord of Winterfell. Hon litade inte på Eddard med makt. Men hon visste att Eddard var en hedersman och tar alltid sina löften och löften med enorm allvar. Så hon gjorde detta erbjudande:
“I want you to serve the realm,” Varys said. “Tell the queen that you will confess your vile treason, command your son to lay down his sword, and proclaim Joffrey as the true heir. Offer to denounce Stannis and Renly as faithless usurpers. Our green-eyed lioness knows you are a man of honor. If you will give her the peace she needs and the time to deal with Stannis, and pledge to carry her secret to your grave, I believe she will allow you to take the black and live out the rest of your days on the Wall, with your brother and that baseborn son of yours.”
För att bryta ner det hade Cersei följande krav:
Om Eddard Stark gav henne allt detta hade Cersei ingen anledning att döda honom och alla anledningar att hålla honom levande eftersom:
Cersei var medveten om att Eddard Stark skulle kunna besöka sitt hem som Night of Man's Watch men hon visste att han aldrig skulle förråda henne om han svurit en löfte för att hålla henne hemlig. Så hon hade ingen rädsla för att räkna. Även om Eddard bröt det löfte, efter hans offentliga bekännelse av förräderi, kunde Cersei avvisa sina påståenden som självbetjänade lögner av en självbekänkt förrädare. Också som medlem av Night Watch kommer Eddard Stark vara förbjudet av löften att spela en roll i politiken.
Påverkan av Joffreys lilla show
Tyvärr betalade Cersei noggrant planerade system inte ut. Hennes son saboterade allt som hon så noggrant byggt.
Eddard Stark was killed and what happened was exactly what she feared. Northmen were unlikely to accept any offer from Lannisters now. Riverlords were rallied by Robb Stark who crowned himself as King in the North and claimed lands of Riverlands and ancient Stark dominions. Given these developments, Her father was unable to move South and was forced to stay in Harrenhal to take on the Stark boy. Stannis Baratheon moved swiftly on King's Landing. Luck favored her when Highgarden joined Lord Tywin in relieving King's Landing and saving them from the Worst consequences. Tyrion managed to pacify Prince Doran with Myrcella's betrothal. Lady Arryn did not move as expected.