Vad använder de i stället för faktiska marihuana växter?


Vi ser en massa vägrök i Trailer Park Boys, de ser väldigt väldigt riktigt ut.

Vad är dessa växter?

Finns det en standard showbiz weed plant look-a-like?

uppsättning Daft 05.07.2015 14:57

1 svar


Bara hittat den här sidan på New York Daily, från titeln:

What are they smoking?! When scenes call for pot or cocaine, Hollywood turns to stash of faux drugs

senare står det:

Turns out that many cocaine look-alikes are ingredients you might use in a cake, like powdered sugar, powdered milk and baking soda, while herbal tobacco fills in for genuine cannabis. [...] When faux pot plants are needed, as they were in "Weeds," things got costly.

“In seasons two and three, we were growing hydroponically indoors,” Benabib says. “We needed literally hundreds of the plants, and they are very expensive. They cost an arm and a leg.”

Naturligtvis finns det också undantag som Easy Rider : Enligt IMDB i denna film rökte de faktiska marijuana.


Det finns också den här artikeln : det förklarar att

Since "Weeds" also involved a fair amount of growing, not just selling, the art department also had to supply “plants.” Entire grow houses were outfitted with plastic plants — like the fake flower you might use to spruce up your cubicle, except weed, and lots of it. A late-series episode that finds Nancy Botwin’s onetime supplier growing in Humboldt required planting nearly a hundred plastic plants in the ground. The effect is strikingly realistic, except for the fact that actors couldn’t prune plastic: “If you look close when they’re trimming ’em, they’re not really doing much.”

(fetstil är min).

svaret ges 19.07.2015 14:48