Var "Worf" från Star Trek: The Next Generation en eftertanke?


Med hänvisning till den här frågan om casting av tecknet" Data "i serien Star Trek: The Next Generation , noterade jag att det inte finns något omnämnande av Worf-tecknet. Var han till och med en primär karaktär eller tillagt senare?

uppsättning Rodger Cooley 19.01.2011 19:59

4 svar


I det Det finaste besättningen i flottan: Nästa generations på skärmen och av , säger Adam Schrager att Rodenberry ville undvika att returera på saker från The Original Series, varför Worf inte var avsedd att vara en vanlig karaktär på serien.

svaret ges 19.01.2011 20:22

Denna tråd från rec.arts.startrek tillbaka 1990 hänvisar till en casting call note från mars 1987 var ganska intressant vid den tiden. Det är tydligen en uppsättning gjutnoteringar för serien. Alla huvudpersonerna nämndes i någon form förutom Worf. Text lyftes med ett underlag nedan:

Seeking the following regulars:

Captain Julian Picard: A Caucasian man in his 50's who is very youthful and in prime physical condition. Born in Paris, his Gallic accent appears only when deep emotions are triggered. He is definitely a 'romantic' and believes strongly in concepts like honor and duty. Captain Picard commands the Enterprise. He should have a mid-Atlantic accent, and a wonderfully rich speaking voice...

Number One (AKA William Ryker): A 30-35 year old Caucasian born in Alaska. He is a pleasant looking man with sex appeal, of medium height, very agile and strong, a natural psychologist. Number One, as he usually is called, is second in command of the Enterprise and has a very strong, solid relationship with the Captain...

Lt. Commander Data: He is an android who has the appearance of a man in his mid 30's. Data should have exotic features and can be any one of the following racial groups: Asian, American Indian, East Indian, South American Indian or similar racial groups. He is in perfect physical condition and should appear very intelligent...

Lt. Tanya Hernandez: 26 year old woman of Ukranian descent who serves as the starship's security chief. She is described as having a new quality of conditioned-body beauty, a fire in her eyes and muscularly well developed and very female body, but keeping in mind that much of her strength comes from attitude. Tanya has an almost obsessive devotion to protecting the ship and its crew and treats Capt. Picard and Number One as if they were saints...

Lt. Deanna Troi: An alien woman who is tall (5'8" - 6') and slender. about 30 years old and quite beautiful. She serves as the starship's Chief Psychologist. Deanna is probably foreign (anywhere from Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Russian, Icelandic, etc.) with looks and accent to match. She and Number One are romantically involved. Her alien 'look' is still to be determined...

Wesley Crusher: A small 18 (or almost 18) year old boy to play 15, his remarkable mind and photographic memory make it seem not unlikely for him to become, at 15, a Star Fleet Acting Ensign. Wesley is more of an intense (not cute) teenager whose energy comes from an inquisitive nature...

Beverly Crusher: Wesley's 35 year old mother. She serves as the chief medical officer on the starship. If it were not for her intelligence, personality, beauty, and the fact that she has the natural walk of a striptease queen, Capt. Picard might not have agreed to her request that Wesley observe bridge activities; therefore letting her son's intelligence carry events further...

Lt. Geordi LaForge: A 20-25 year old black man, blind form birth. With the help of a special prosthetic device he wears, his vision far surpasses anything the human eye can see. Although he is young, he is quite mature and is best friends with Data. Please do not submit any 'street' types, as Geordi has perfect diction and might even have a Jamaican accent. Should also do comedy well...

svaret ges 13.01.2012 21:51

Worf visas inte i den första säsongen "Serie Bibel", daterad den 23 mars 1987

Det angivna besättningen är:

  • Kapten Jean Luc Picard
  • Commander William Riker
  • Lt. Commander Data
  • Lt. Commander Deanna Troi
  • Lt. Natasha "Tasha" Yar
  • Lt. (JG) Geordi La Forge
  • CMO Beverly Crusher
  • Wesley Crusher

( en genomsökning som finns tillgänglig online på )

Worf var dock i förslagsdokumentet för serien. (Som jag inte kan hitta online för tillfället.)

Så, Worf skulle vara en återkommande karaktär ursprungligen, släpptes uppenbarligen och sedan sätta tillbaka senare.

svaret ges 13.01.2012 04:53

Från en vagt återkallad Rodenberry-intervju. Worf-karaktären var avsedd hela tiden men höll hemlighet så det skulle bli en överraskning i nästa generations premiärminister. Klingons var en fiende i federationen i den ursprungliga serien och Rodenberry ville visa framsteg - tidigare fiender blev allierade.

svaret ges 27.07.2012 23:00