Vilken bra är kraften i en lightsaber duell?


Jag har sett Star Wars (avsnitt 4, 5 och 6) och jag är nyfiken på att veta varför det är så mycket viktigt att mastera kraften. Hittills har jag sett att Force används för att skjuta upp, höja tunga föremål och dra (och ibland strypulera människor!), Men jag misslyckas med att se hur det hjälper dig att använda lightaber.

Så, hur hjälper Forceen en i en lightaber duell?

uppsättning user96343 17.01.2016 14:37

5 svar

  • Låt oss börja med prosaiska: Kraften finns där för att fysiskt hjälpa Jedi, t.ex. att arrestera ett fall, eller helt enkelt flytta:

    Anakin looked up just in time to glimpse the bottom of Dooku’s rancor-leather boot as it came down on his face and smacked him tumbling toward the floor; he reached into the Force to effortlessly right himself and touched down in perfect balance to spring again toward the lightning flares


    yet Skywalker’s blade met the cut as he passed and he managed to sweep his blade behind his head to slap aside the casual thrust Dooku aimed at the back of his neck—but his clumsy charge had put him in Kenobi’s path, so that the Jedi Master had to Force-roll over his partner’s head

  • Du kan använda Force bara för attack. Ingen lightsaber behövs.

    He gathered the Force once more in a single indrawn breath that summoned power from throughout the universe; the slightest whipcrack of that power, negligent as a flick of his wrist, sent Kenobi flying backward to crash hard against the wall, but Dooku didn’t have time to enjoy it.


  • Du använder kraften för att stärka din hand (angreppsslag eller försvarsblock)

    The shining blue lightsaber whirled and spat and every overhand chop crashed against Dooku’s defense with the unstoppable power of a meteor strike; the Sith Lord spent lavishly of his reserve of the Force merely to meet these attacks without being cut in half, and Skywalker—

  • Huvudsyftet med kraften i en lightsaber duell är att styra wielderens hand, kropp och sinne, genom att känna av nutiden och framtiden .

    Med andra ord handlar det inte egentligen om lightaber (som den relaterade frågan visade, kan du använda en lightsaber utan Force. Och som många exempel - inklusive de som visas i det här svaret - brukar du inte ens använda lightsaber i kamp som en Jedi. Du kan sparka. Du kan flytta. Du kan även använda en oiviliserad Blaster Ala Obi-Wan på Utapau).

    Because they fought as they had been trained, by releasing all desire and allowing the Force to flow through them, they had no hope of countering Dooku’s mastery of Sith techniques. They had learned nothing since he had bested them on Geonosis.

    They allowed the Force to direct them; Dooku directed the Force.

    Exemplen är alldeles för många att citera, jag ska bara prova ett par.

    Här är Obi-Wan-mötet Grevious's lightsaber slår på Invisible Hand

    The Force, like water, takes on the shape of its container without effort, without thought. The water that was Obi-Wan poured itself into the container that was Grievous’s attack, and while some materials might be water-tight, Obi-Wan had yet to encounter any that were entirely, as it were, Force-tight ...

    While the intent to swing was still forming in Grievous’s mind, the part of the Force that was Obi-Wan was also the part of the Force that was R2-D2, as well as an internal fusion-welder Anakin had retrofitted into R2-D2’s primary grappling arm, and so there was no need for actual communication between them; it was only Obi-Wan’s personal sense of style that brought his customary gentle smile to his face and his customary gentle murmur to his lips.

    Här är Obi-Wan-striderna Grevious på Utapau (glöm ljuskärl):

    Instead of waiting for an answer he spun, heaving Obi-Wan right off the deck with effortless strength, whipping him up over his head to slam him to the deck with killing power; Obi-Wan could only let go of the staff and allow the Force to angle his fall into a stumbling roll. Grievous sprang after him, swinging the electrostaff and slamming it across Obi-Wan’s flank before the Jedi Master could recover his balance. The impact sent Obi-Wan tumbling sideways and the electroburst discharge set his robe on fire. Grievous stayed right with him, attacking before Obi-Wan could even realize exactly what was happening, attacking faster than thought—

    But Obi-Wan didn’t need to think. The Force was with him, and he knew.

    Därefter konfronterar den poetiska, fria flödet av Obi-Wan Grevious på Invisible Hand :

    He doesn’t even need to reach into the Force.

    He has already let the Force reach into him.

    The Force flows over him and around him as though he has stepped into a crystal-pure waterfall lost in the green coils of a forgotten rain forest; when he opens himself to that sparkling stream it flows into him and through him and out again without the slightest interference from his conscious will. The part of him that calls itself Obi-Wan Kenobi is no more than a ripple, an eddy in the pool into which he endlessly pours.
    There are other parts of him here, as well; there is nothing here that is not a part of him, from the scuff mark on R2-D2’s dome to the tattered hem of Palpatine’s robe, from the spidering crack in one transparisteel panel of the curving view wall above to the great starships that still battle beyond it.
    Because this is all part of the Force.

    Why is meaningless; it is an echo of the past, or a whisper from the future. All that matters, for this infinite now, is what, and where, and who.

    He is all sixteen of the super battle droids, gleaming in laser-reflective chrome, arms loaded with heavy blasters. He is those blasters and he is their targets. He is all eight destroyer droids waiting with electronic patience within their energy shields, and both bodyguards, and every single one of the shivering Neimoidians. He is their clothes, their boots, even each drop of reptile-scented moisture that rolls off them from the misting sprays they use to keep their internal temperatures down. He is the binders that cuff his hands, and he is the electrostaff in the hands of the bodyguard at his back.

    He is both of the lightsabers that the other droid bodyguard marches forward to offer to General Grievous.

    And he is the general himself.

    He is the general’s duranium ribs. He is the beating of Grievous’s alien heart, and is the silent pulse of oxygen pumped through his alien veins. He is the weight of four lightsabers at the general’s belt, and is the greedy anticipation the captured weapons sparked behind the general’s eyes. He is even the plan for his own execution simmering within the general’s brain.

    He is all these things, but most important, he is still Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    This is why he can simply stand. Why he can simply wait. He has no need to attack, or to defend. There will be battle here, but he is perfectly at ease, perfectly content to let the battle start when it will start, and let it end when it will end.

    Just as he will let himself live, or let himself die.

    This is how a great Jedi makes war.

    General Grievous lifted the two lightsabers, one in each duranium hand, to admire them by the light of turbolaser blasts outside, and said, “Rare trophies, these: the weapon of Anakin Skywalker, and the weapon of General Kenobi. I look forward to adding them to my collection.”

    “That will not happen. I am in control here.”

    The reply came through Obi-Wan’s lips, but it was not truly Obi-Wan who spoke. Obi-Wan was not in control; he had no need for control. He had the Force.

    It was the Force that spoke through him.

    He reached through the Force and the Force reached through him; his blade flared to life while still in the air; it flipped toward him, and as he lifted his hands to meet it, its blue flame flashed between his wrists and severed the binders before the handgrip smacked solidly into his palm.

    Obi-Wan was so deep in the Force that he wasn’t even suprised it had worked.

    He made a quarter turn to face Anakin, who was already in the air, having leapt simultaneously with Obi-Wan’s gentle murmur because Obi-Wan and Anakin were, after all, two parts of the same thing; Anakin’s flip carried him over Obi-Wan’s head at the perfect range for Obi-Wan’s blade to flick out and burn through his partner’s binders, and while Grievous was still flinching away from the fountain of fusion fire, Anakin landed with his own hand extended; Obi-Wan felt a liquid surge in the waterfall that he was, and Anakin’s lightsaber sang through the air and Anakin caught it, and so, one single second after Grievous had begun to summon the intent to swing, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker stood back-to-back in the center of the bridge, expressionlessly staring past the snarling blue energy of their lightsabers.

Alla citat från Matthew Stovers ROTS novelization

svaret ges 17.01.2016 18:53
Förhöghet, tandemattacker (filmer gör ett dåligt jobb som visar detta) superhuman prestationer som hastighet, smidighet, hoppar riktigt högt (Obi-wan i episod 2, Anakin i avsnitt 3) mer newtons of force med din swing, skulle kunna fortsätta .

Det finns massor av bra exempel i legender.

svaret ges 17.01.2016 14:42

Förutom de andra svaren lägger jag till en teknik som heter Battle Meditation.

Slagmeditation var en kraftteknik (eller kraft) som hade stor användning i Gamla republiken för en mängd olika scenarier från rymdstrider till lightsaber dueller.

"Battle meditation was a Force ability that considerably boosted the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while simultaneously reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight." From Wookiepedia.

Det finns flera legenden om användningen men jag är inte hemma för att fiska genom böcker för tillfället. Ett par anmärkningsvärda användningsområden var Bastillas fabulerade färdighet i stridsmeditation för att förstöra flottan monterad runt stjärnskärmen och mordförsöket mot Darth Bane.

"It had been many years since Farfalla had fought while empowered by Worror's battle meditation. He had forgotten how much quicker and stronger the Ithorian's amazing talent made him feel. The Force floqwed though him with greater power, filling him with its might." -Darth Bane: Rule of Two page 277

Så kort sagt, en kraftfull kraftanvändare kan använda denna teknik för att hjälpa allierade att besegra motståndare i lightsaber-strid.

svaret ges 17.01.2016 20:15

Jag tror att du kan förvirra kraften med förmågan att flytta objekt / personer runt. Här Obi-Wans citat om betydelsen av kraften i "Star Wars":

"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Och Yodas lilla tal i "Star Wars: Empire slår tillbaka":

"For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere! Yes, even between the land and the ship." - Yoda

Så när Obi-Wan och Yoda uppmärksammar Luke i sin utbildning om "förståelse av kraften", hänvisar de till "levande kraften", som, som qoutesna illustrerar, kan ha oändliga fördelar. du är mer kopplad till universum, förstår din position i världen, skönheten hos varelserna inom den. Denna förståelse och anslutning kommer att grunda dig och stödja dig genom de utmaningar som står inför dig. Som Yoda säger när hon tränar Luke:

“Yes, a Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.” - Yoda

Styrkan på den mörka sidan av kraften härrör från en självcentrerad passion, en koppling till verkligheten och universum, och blandar ofta Sith Lords till deras undergång.

Anakin Skywalker: The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves.

Supreme Chancellor: And the Jedi don't?

Anakin Skywalker: The Jedi are selfless... they only care about others.

- Revenge of the Sith

Så medan en stor kunskap om kraften kan göra dina telekinetiska krafter bättre, kommer din förväntan på din duell-motståndares nästa steg bättre, och även ditt motstånd mot sina krafter bättre, fokuseringen på att "lära kraftens vägar" i filmer handlar om att hålla sig sanna mot dig själv, hålla dig rätt och osjälvisk, behålla ansvaret och öka din makt.

svaret ges 18.01.2016 04:44

Jag tror att du saknar två huvudpunkter. Jag kommer att svara på den aktuella frågan senast och först ge det underliggande svaret:

OP sade att de bara såg de tre ursprungliga filmerna, de hade inte tekniken för att visa några av de spektakulära lightsaber duellerna du kan se i senare filmer, den animerade serien eller så. Vader tenderar också att slå av ren raseri och har inte längre agility av Anakin på grund av hans skador och hans kostym. Om du vill se några av de bästa exemplen på dueller bör du kolla in släpvagnarna till Gamla republiken.



Nuärdetandrasommänniskorverkarsaknahär,lightsaberduellerharfaktisktmycketliteattgöramedlightsabers,deärheltenkeltettsättattavsluta.Ettcooltvapensompassarmed"space western" -temnet, dismembers på kontakt och sålunda är uppenbarligen farligt i fela händer. Om det inte fanns någon kraftanvändare involverade skulle det helt enkelt vara en svärdstrid med fancy tech.

När två tvångsanvändare gör det, kan deras styrka över kraften göra dem mäta kontrollen över duellen. Oavsett om kontrollen kommer genom att känna attacker, tvinga kraften (choke, blixten, trycka / dra) eller ens bara dra styrka / hastighet / smidighet från kraften, är mycket lite av en duell en svärdstrid. Även när det verkar som om någon bara slår på med raseri eller försvarar enkla attacker, drar de fortfarande från kraften.

En sidoanteckning till OP, är det möjligt att stoppa en lightsaber-strejk med bara den kraft som borde ha det ifrågasatt?

svaret ges 18.01.2016 04:09