How många människor har Luke Skywalker dödats?


Finns det en uppskattning av antalet individer som dödats av Luke Skywalker?

Det måste ha varit tusentals varelser på den första Death Star, men filmerna ger inget specifikt dödräkning. Så hur många personer inklusive men inte begränsat till dödsstörningar?

uppsättning nothingisnecessary 10.04.2016 15:54

2 svar


Filmer: 369,466

369.466 personer, från videon refererad i Rogue Jedis svar.

Men filmer är inte den enda högkonjunkturen längre!

Star Wars: Shattered Empire, del IV: Minst 5

  • Luke blåser upp en kejsarkommandant och minst tre stormtroopers.




They recovered quickly after the first one cried out with a charred hole in his chest; whatever armor he was wearing wasn’t up to deflecting the heat from my blaster turned up to maximum.


I squeezed the blaster trigger and held it down as we approached the edge; two TIE fighters emerged from beneath the ship—the vanguard of the second squadron—caught bolts in their cockpits, and exploded. Four down, twenty to go—though the second squadron was still in the process of scrambling into action.


But the shock wave continued in our direction, too, plowing through the trailing TIE fighters behind us and shuddering them apart. We watched on the scanner as the red triangles representing the enemy disappeared one by one. They kept firing green bolts, as if they were determined to see us dead before they died themselves. Almost all of it sailed past our cockpit into the void, but the concentrated fire was too much to dodge forever and another bolt clipped us, essentially wiping out our shields except for a courtesy veil of energy as sheer as a negligee. The fire eased up as the TIEs were destroyed, but the closest one with the best angle landed one on the rear starboard and, a fraction of a second before it was obliterated, took out the sublight engine there, which spelled the end for us.

Fyraskottibörjan+ettagent+en"sträng" av fighters (minst 3) är minst 8.

svaret ges 11.04.2016 06:07

Denna video säger att han dödade 369.466 1 personer. Med tanke på antalet personer i den första Death Star , ett genomsnittligt AT-AT och Jabbas segelbåt , siffrorna kolla ut .

Tekniskt står det att han dödade 369.469 varelser, men det inkluderar tre djur, som jag antar att du inte räknar.


svaret ges 11.04.2016 03:09