How gjorde lustreformen efter att Roy drog ut sin kärna?


Jag har tittat på Fullmetal Alchemist och jag kan inte räkna ut en sak.

I episod 19, "The Undying Deaths", tar Roy med våld bort Kustens kärna / kraftkälla:

In lieu of a heart, she has a philosopher's stone, as do all of the Seven Sin homonculi.

Jag undrar, hur reformerar hon det? Borde inte hon ha dött?

uppsättning Aarthi 18.09.2012 20:55

1 svar


Ja, överste Mustang ripper hennes Philosophers sten direkt från hennes bröstkorg:


A homunculus can be truly destroyed ONLY when their Philosopher's stone has been exhausted AND their body is destroyed. The stone that powers a homunculus is comprised of the lifeforces of the victims that died in its creation. So each time a homunculus take damage equal to a fatal injury, a bit of lifeforce is lost as they regenerate said damage. This is why a battle with a homunculus goes bad for most humans, it is simply too difficult to deal out enough damage against the homunculus before the human is overwhelmed.

svaret ges 18.09.2012 21:27