Har några Autobots ändrade sidor till Decepticons?


Det finns exempel på decepticons som "Jetfire" och "Wheelie" som vände och bytte sida till Autobots. Jetfire i Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen är citerad:

It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity... Who wants to live a life filled with hate?

Men har det förekommit fall av Autobots som har ändrat sidor och förblev decepticons?

uppsättning Jared 31.07.2014 07:17

1 svar


Det finns tre Autobots som blev Decepticons som jag kan tänka på:

  • Wheeljack från Armada-kontinuiteten

    Wheeljack was once an Autobot in the same military unit as Hot Shot, looking up to his peer due to his own inexperience in battle, and they considered each other good friends. However, that friendship was broken one day when Wheeljack was trapped under rubble in the middle of an intense fire. Hot Shot could not lift the wreckage alone, and left to get some help, promising to return, but he never did. An arrogant Autobot officer forbade Hot Shot from returning, claiming the fire was too intense and they couldn't risk more lives.

    Meanwhile, Wheeljack saw a figure approaching through the flames, thinking that at last, Hot Shot had returned. But it was Megatron who saved him that day, and in return, Wheeljack became a Decepticon.

    Wheeljack lämnade därmed sin stora, lilla Autobot-symbol (ironiskt sett som den hade korsats) på sin robotkista / motorhuvud och satte en ny, mindre Decepticon-symbol under. Detta visas också tydligt på leksaken:

    Seävensidan Transformers wikia .

  • Den Fallen

    Tecknet som heter Fallen har inträffat i flera transformatoruniverser. Han beskrivs typiskt som en av de tretton ursprungliga primerna som sedan fortsatte att bli grundare av decepticons.

    Till exempel i Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen , Den Fallen < a / h =

    ... the first Decepticon and the true founder and leader of the Decepticons (as Megatron accepts the Fallen as his master), and all future Decepticons would wear an insignia which is similar to the Fallen's face.

    Se även tfwiki . 1

  • Och från Transformers: Moon of the Moon (spoilers)

    Sentinel Prime

    Once he arrived back at their base, Sentinel ... betrays the Autobots, kills Ironhide, transports the pillars to Washington D.C. and rendezvous with Megatron. After teleporting hundreds of Decepticons to Earth, he has a confrontation with Optimus, but spares him, in the hope that he would recognize the moral of what he was doing. He demands the exile of the Autobots, who are apparently destroyed while leaving the planet in their space ship. Sentinel usurps Megatron and assumes command of the Decepticons to oversee the final phase of the plan in Chicago.


    Strictly speaking, Sentinel Prime did not actually join the Decepticons (including getting the purple badge) but he did ally himself with them and even assumed command of them (see above quote).

  • Och ett hedersnamn bör gå till denna karaktär från Beast Wars / Beast Machines (spoilers for Beast Machines) 2

    Tankor (Vehicon) was revealed to be Rhinox (Maximal). Though he was initially reprogrammed by Megatron to be a Vehicon, Tankor somewhat embraced it for a while (after regaining his Rhinox memories). Finally, he expressed remorse for his actions thereby reverting, in his spark, to a Maximal.

  • 1 Kredit och tack till Jared för detta förslag.

    2 Med tack till phantom42 för detta förslag.

    svaret ges 31.07.2014 07:23