Typcertifierade flygplan kommer att ha certifierbar avionik godkänd via TSO, PMA eller TC / STC. Dessa avionik med programvara som måste certifieras kommer sannolikt att följa RTCA DO-178 (B eller C) programvaruhänsyn i certifikat för luftburna system och utrustning.
Följande från JScarrys kommentar:
If it is permanently attached to the airplane then it needs some kind of approval—TSO, PMA, or STC. Otherwise, in Part 91 flying, you can use whatever you want—provided the PIC has determined that they do not cause interference with the radio or nav equipment. Handheld GPSs, and tablet EFB apps like ForeFlight and WingsX are not attached so they do not need approval. The exception is for Part 135 and 121 operations (charter and airline). They need to amend their op specs in order to use EFBs instead of paper