Vad sa sonden och valarna till varandra?


I Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home beror jordens överlevnad på en mystisk sond som har en konversation med knölvalar.

McCOY: Well, dammit? You think this is its way of saying 'Hi there' to the people of the Earth?

SPOCK: There are other forms on intelligence on Earth, Doctor. Only human arrogance would assume the message must be meant for man....

Vad var meddelandet?

Det här svaras inte i själva filmen, och ämnet återges aldrig i Star Trek-episoder eller andra filmer. Men kanske finns det manusnoteringar, romaner eller serier som utarbetar sondens budskap.

Jag tror inte att konversationen är en utbyte av slumpmässiga ljud utan mening, med tanke på detta:

KIRK: Spock, could the humpback's answer to this call be simulated?

SPOCK: The sounds, but not the language. We would be responding in gibberish.

Med andra ord bygger filmens premiss på antagandet att något specifikt kommunicerades.

Så mycket som jag kan berätta, Memory Alpha och Memory Betas inlägg på sonden har ingen information om den här frågan.

uppsättning Praxis 19.08.2015 06:04

3 svar


Filmen officiell novellering innehåller en version av händelser som innehåller en översättning av sondens konversation med valarna. Ursäkta längden på citatet:

[Probe] Why did you remain silent for so long?

They [The whales] tried to explain, but it reacted in surprise and disbelief.

Where were you? it asked.

We were not here, they replied, but now we have returned. We cannot explain, traveler, because we do not yet understand all that has happened to us.

By "us," the traveler understood them to mean themselves as individuals and all their kind for millions of years in the past. By their song it recognized them as youths.

Who are you? it asked. Where are the others? Where are the elders?'

They are gone, the whales sang, with sadness. They have passed into the deep, they have vanished upon white shores. We alone survive.

Your song is simple, the traveler said, chiding. It was not above petulance. Where are the tales you have invented in all this time, and where are the stories of your families?

They are lost, replied the whale song. All lost. We must begin again. We must evolve our civilization again. We have no other answer.

The traveler hesitated. It wondered if perhaps it should sterilize the planet anyway despite the presence of the untaught singing youths. But if it began a new evolution here, the planet would be silent at least as long as it would take the traveler to circumscribe the galaxy. The traveler would have to endure the pain of the world's silence. Organic evolution required so much time. Besides, the traveler possessed very little cruelty. It could consider destroying the young singers, but the conception caused great distress. It abandoned the idea.

Very well, it said. I shall anticipate young stories.

Fare thee well.

The traveler fell silent. The whales bid it farewell. The traveler collected its energy. It ended its interference with the patterns of the blue-white planet. It ceased to power the violent storms ravaging the surface. It sought its usual course, oriented itself properly, and sailed on a tail of flame into the brilliant blackness of the galaxy.

svaret ges 20.08.2015 21:14

För fullständighet har jag en kopia av romanen Probe som nämns av N_Soong i en kommentar. Vad det har att säga är ganska litet men förenligt med STIV-novelleringen. Från prologgen:

In the waters of hundreds of worlds it had found primitives who held the promise that, in another million years, they might be able to Speak, might become capable of learning the True Language.

The blue world the entity had recently departed had held such primitives for millennia. Time and again it had returned, listening to their evolving story, etching their rudimentary recitations into its crystalline memory, observing, prompting them in the direction of Speech. But then they had fallen silent. No amount of calling, no intensity of prodding, had brought forth a response until, finally, the creators' instructions had said: Prepare the world for new life. [...] But the instructions had barely begun to be implemented when the primitives had reappeared, had raised their planet-bound voices in joy. [...] When questioned, they would speak only of enclosed spaces and chaos and then freedom.

Så sonden gjorde någonting det hade gjort tidigare, upprätta kontakt med valarna på planeten för att säga hej, byta historier och utvärdera deras framsteg. Innehållet i sitt meddelande var bara en hälsning, då en mer brådskande "hej, någon där?". När det slutligen kom i kontakt med slutet av filmen var utbytet "Hej! Du var inte där och nu är du!" Vad hände? " "Vi var någon annanstans, och nu är vi här! Några saker har hänt men vi vet inte vad det var!" "Tja, okej då."

svaret ges 09.03.2016 05:54

Spock utförde en Vulcan mind-meld och lärde sig från valarna att orsaken till att sonden förstörde jorden var att sonden hade gjort en tidigare resa över jorden och hade lärt sig från valarna att de var hotade på grund av mänskligheten harpooning dem. Sonden lovade att återvända vid en senare tid och hämna valarnas dödsfall om de hade jaktats till utrotning.

svaret ges 29.08.2015 12:21