Varför var Harry Potter flyger på en örnuggle i sin dröm i Fire of Fire?


Detta stör mig verkligen. Jag har sökt och sökt men jag kunde inte hitta något från J.K. Rowling eller andra ger en respektabel anledning till varför Harry skulle vara på en uggla i sin dröm som flyger till Voldemort med de nyheter som den förtäckta Barty Crouch Jr fixade Wormtail sönder genom att döda sin far Barty Crouch, Sr.

Här är avsnittet från kapitel 29: Drömmen:

He was riding on the back of an eagle owl, soaring through the clear blue sky toward an old, ivy-covered house set high on a hillside. Lower and lower they flew, the wind blowing pleasantly in Harry's face, until they reached a dark and broken window in the upper story of the house and entered. Now they were flying along a gloomy passageway, to a room at the very end . . . through the door they went, into a dark room whose windows were boarded up....

Harry had left the owl's back... he was watching, now, as it fluttered across the room, into a chair with its back to him. . . . There were two dark shapes on the floor beside the chair . . . both of them were stirring. . . .   One was a huge snake . . . the other was a man ... a short, balding man, a man with watery eyes and a pointed nose ... he was wheezing and sobbing on the hearth rug. . . .

"You are in luck, Wormtail," said a cold, high-pitched voice from the depths of the chair in which the owl had landed. "You are very fortunate indeed. Your blunder has not ruined everything. He is dead."

"My Lord!" gasped the man on the floor. "My Lord, I am ... I am so pleased . . . and so sorry. ..."

Nu, innan du berätta för mig att det var en dröm, kom ihåg att det faktiskt hände. Och nej det var inte Malfoys örnuggla! Malfoys kunde inte ha lånat Voldemort sin uggla.

uppsättning Mermish Essence 27.01.2015 10:00

2 svar


Följande är mer analys / mening än faktum, men fortfarande ...

Från , sidan på Drömmen: kapitel nittio av Harry Potter och Goblet of Fire

Something You May Not Have Noticed

Eagle owls can’t be very common; after all, the Malfoys’ eagle owl stands out pretty obviously when it brings Malfoy packages from home. So it’s interesting that Harry’s dream (vision?) starts out with an eagle owl bringing news to Voldemort. It certainly wouldn’t be unexpected for the Malfoys to be sending a message to Voldemort (or loaning him their owl, for that matter), but there is also one other time that Harry has seen an eagle owl – and it was flying around Hogwarts just a few weeks ago, before Barty Crouch showed up. Whether this was the Malfoys’ owl or not doesn’t really matter so much as the coincidence of noticing an eagle owl around Voldemort, and another one around Hogwarts. Maybe Harry should have watched a little closer to see where that eagle owl at Hogwarts went.

Från , skrivet med titeln "Eagle uglar och subtilitet skriftligt" :

Let's talk about eagle owls for a moment.

I think we all know that the Malfoy family owns an eagle owl. We see it delivering packages of sweets to Draco early in the series and from time to time thereafter.

We also know that, in that pivotal vision that harry has in The Goblet of Fire of Voldemort, Wormtail and Nagini just before the third task, Harry arrives at the Riddle Manor House riding upon the back of an eagle owl.

But did you notice that J.K. mentions an eagle owl one other time, earlier in that same novel?

Having grown tired of Ron and Hermione's squabbling over the plight of house elves, Harry decides to go to the Owlery by himself to send a package of food to Sirius. After seeing Pigwidgeon and a couple of school owls off, he stands, looking out over the school grounds, the Durmstrang ship and the Forbidden Dorest, thinking.

Harry sees Hagrid busily digging a patch of ground outside his home and he also sees something else: an eagle owl that flies through the coil of smoke rising from Hagrid's house.

It's a beautifully written, calming scene, like a landscape painting that draws your eye into the world it depicts.

But it's also a clue. One I had not noticed in all of my previous readings of this novel.

The eagle owl is bringing messages back and forth between Barty Crouch Jr. at Hogwarts and Voldemort at the Riddle Manor House. It has to be. It's the Malfoy eagle and it's being used as part of the plot against Harry.

Harry's subconscious mind recognises it as a clue and inserts the eagle owl into his vision. Instead of a message, the owl brings Harry to Voldemort.

When I finally noticed it, I couldn't help but to be impressed, once again, with Rowling's skills as a writer and the very carefully thought and planning she put into every novel.

I've always been amazed at how subtly she inserted a bug into every scene of this book where Rita Skeeter (whom we later discover to be an animagus) eavesdrops on conversations; I never noticed this lovely and subtle clue which should have told me, at least given me a clue as to who was plotting against Harry at Hogwarts.

Från , Muggles Guide till Harry Potter:

It is interesting that in the dream, an eagle owl carries the message to Voldemort. Only twice before have eagle owls been seen; one flew towards the school, looped the Owlery, and flew away while Harry was lying under a tree by the lake, and in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone we are told that Malfoy's eagle owl was always bringing him treats from home. Also, the house in the dream is described as being atop a hill, and the owl flies through a broken window. It is unclear if we are meant to draw a connection from these incidents, but the author may be dropping a subtle hint that the Malfoy family is tied to Voldemort, although there is no indication that they know Voldemort's whereabouts.
The eagle owl is a slight misdirection; while the only eagle owl we know of that belongs to a Wizarding family is the Malfoys', Lucius does not yet have any awareness of Voldemort's return. The only Death Eaters who know that Voldemort is still alive at this point in the story are Barty Crouch and Wormtail, though Professor Karkaroff and Professor Snape apparently have their suspicions. This remains true until after Voldemort summons his Death Eaters, in about another month in our story. In his present state, Voldemort is relatively weak, and he wants to avoid revealing his presence by alerting the Death Eaters.
The eagle owl is rare enough that it could be considered a connection, except that it is apparently intended to mislead.

svaret ges 27.01.2015 15:29

Det verkar relaterat, men ändå något annorlunda än jag ifrågasatte jag en gång utgjorde: Varför drar Harry's GoF i den tredje personen?

Under hela Goblet of Fire är Harrys drömmar om Voldemort otroligt annorlunda än de som senare i serien. Harry ser dem från en tredje person, scenen börjar med någon annan (Frank Bryce i sin första dröm, Crouchs uggla i den andra drömmen) och Harry kan inte känna Voldemorts tankar eller känslor. Vi får aldrig en förklaring till skiftet, men den bästa förklaringen är att den har något att göra med Voldemort saknar en full kropp och fullmakter.

Varför Harry rider en uggla i drömmen ... ja det är en dröm. Under hela serien övergår Harrys drömmar ofta från vanliga drömmar till glimtar i Voldemorts sinne. I sin dröm, där Nagini anfaller Mr Weasley, börjar den till exempel som en dum dröm om Cho och kravet. Det kan vara som Harry började halvdrömma och kompensera så, som glimtet på Voldemorts sinne började, så att han rida på ugglan, inte bara se den.

Jag är inte heller övertygad om att Harry bokstavligen rider ugnen i drömmen. Om han bara visade drömmen från en utsiktspunkt något ovanför ugglens rygg, skulle en drömmare anta att han "reste" ugglan.

svaret ges 27.01.2015 16:33