Vilka är de två Istari som nämns i Shadow of Mordor?


En av artefakterna som finns i Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor är en Broken Staff , tillsammans med detta minne:

Funny thing, that. They told us their names, plenty of times. But we all forgot. To a man, we forgot. It was like they didn't want us remembering. After a while, they were just the two Istari, and sometimes, the big one and the little one.

Can't say how I can't remember. I remember the bigger one telling us stories of a Goblin city, of a man who could turn himself into a bear, of the time when… well, I guess it didn't matter too much to him that some of his stories needed some cleaning up, or would scare a dead man out of his grave.

When the bigger one left, he took his cane. But he left a walking stick behind, with all these little notches cut into it. He was keeping track of something, for sure.

Är de Blue Istari? De kunde tänkligen vara Gandalf och Radagast (såvida inte dessa två var etablerade för att vara någon annanstans). Skuggan av Mordor Wiki föreslår att dessa är Blue Istari . Har kanon något att säga? Allt jag minns från Oavslutade Tales är att de gick österut.

uppsättning muru 18.08.2015 23:33

1 svar


Enligt Shadow of Mordor dödades de av Black Hand.

Det betyder att de bara kunde ha blivit de blå guiderna, vilket var den mest troliga förklaringen, givet deras läge ändå.

I think they went as emissaries to distant regions, East and South, far out of Numenorean range: missionaries to enemy-occupied lands, as it were. What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and 'magic' traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron.

(Oavslutade Tales)

svaret ges 19.08.2015 01:39