Har Douwd gjort andra framträdanden i Star Trek canon än "Survivors"?


Douwd gjorde sitt enda Star Trek TNG-utseende i avsnitt 3x03: " Survivors ". De var en art av extraordinära befogenheter, men med en pacifistisk natur. Som kapten Picard en gång sa om en av dem:

We leave behind a being of extraordinary power... and conscience.

Jag är nyfiken om det finns någon annan omnämnande av arten i någon av de andra Star Trek-serierna eller böckerna.

uppsättning James Tomasino 11.08.2012 15:34

2 svar


Douwd har nämnts (i förbigående) i fyra officiellt licensierade Star Trek-böcker men har aldrig dykt upp som ett tecken, annat än i den ursprungliga TNG-episoden Survivors.


Even the Q recognize a common consensual reality, a certain metaphysical bedrock or foundation that transcends even our own infinite command over time and space, energy and matter. The alternative is utter chaos, and we all understand chat. So do the Organians and the Metrons and the Douwd and all of the other truly advanced intelligences. But not 0, not anymore. He's different now.


Machines were born, sometimes surpassing their makers, and fragile life-forms dared the void between worlds in vessels of every description, leaving their tracks on a thousand systems before shedding their physical forms entirely to become numinous beings of pure thought. There were the Organians, Picard realized, and the Metrons and the Thasians and the Zalkonians and the Douwd.

Begravd ålder:

She had heard tales of a secretive people called the Douwd, beings to whom imaginative thought defined reality, so that they lived lives of illusion and pretense, rarely revealing themselves for what they were-although the one thing they would never do was use their deceptions to harm others.

X-Men (Planet-X)

Their frequent visitor from the Q Continuum had demonstrated his amazing powers for them time and again. Once, he had even granted the first officer a taste of them. “Or the Traveler,” he continued, “who can manipulate the very fabric of space and time. And don’t forget the Douwd, who was able to wipe out an entire race with a single thought.”

svaret ges 19.10.2014 17:02

Minnesalfas post på Douwd anger att den episod du refererar till Survivors "är deras enda utseende hittills. Jag har sett dem dyka upp en eller två gånger i Fanfic, men aldrig i någon av de officiella böckerna.

svaret ges 11.08.2012 15:43