Varför drömde Clark om varuhuset damen?


Varför drömde Clark om varuhuset i National Lampoons julferie ? Ingen anledning ges i filmen om varför han drömmer om henne i poolen. Det verkar inte relaterat till det övergripande diagrammet i filmen.

uppsättning Kimberly Chang 13.12.2018 15:34

2 svar


Det finns ett återkommande tema i Clarks semesterfilmer som fantaserar om andra kvinnor trots att de har en ganska attraktiv fru.

Dessutom blev denna scen nästan säkert gjord som en hyllning till den berömda poolscenen med Phoebe Cates i Fast Times At Ridgemont High

svaret ges 13.12.2018 16:15

Som Kevin sa att det är en del av de återkommande teman som The Girl in the Red Ferrari . Även finaldraft täckt det är ganska bra:

Returning as the sole writer, John Hughes knew what worked in the first Vacation better than anyone else. That’s probably why there are more callbacks and repeated jokes from the first film than there were in European Vacation. The Griswolds’ car flies off road and lands haphazardly at their destination. Check. Clark flirts and fantasizes about another woman. Check. A family member’s pet gets accidentally killed by Clark. Check. Clark freaks out and has a curse-filled diatribe in front of his family. Check. Cousin Eddie. Check. In fact, with some of these bits, Hughes doubled down. Christmas Vacation might not be as R-rated as the first film, but Clark has even more freak-outs. His character is more manic and off-the-rails. Every character tick, every impulse, is emphasized for maximum Clark Griswoldness. Likewise not only is Cousin Eddie back, he has a larger role and is even more madcap. Thus, the two strongest characters are given the most focus and they’re given more opportunities to be as funny as possible.

Så de återanvände bara samma återkommande element i hela filmserien.

svaret ges 14.12.2018 08:24