I avsnittet "Östrogen" från 1998 års återupplivning av Fantasy Island är Mary Wilcox från en militärfamilj och som kvinna är hon frustrerad över att hon aldrig har kunnat slåss på framsidan linjer som en soldat som hon ville ha. Mr Roarke beviljar hennes fantasi genom att placera henne i ett alternativt andra världskriget där kvinnor är soldaterna, och i slutändan dör hon för att rädda sin kamrat. Mr Roarke avslöjar att Mary hade terminal cancer, och att hennes fantasi verkligen skulle dö som en hjälte, som hon gjorde.
Under den ursprungliga Fantasy Island från 1977 till 1984, död någon under sin fantasi? Eller sparade Mr. Roarke, Tattoo och den andra personalen dem alltid om deras fantasierisk skulle bli dödlig?
Enligt WikiPedia :
Det verkar som att möjligheten till död var ett accepterat resultat för några av gästernas mer extrema fantasier, men det var bara en del av den övergripande illusionen. Något eller någon skulle spara dem i sista stund.
Roarke had a strong moral code, but he was always merciful. He usually tried to teach his guests important life lessons through the medium of their fantasies, frequently in a manner that exposes the errors of their ways, and on occasions when the island hosted terminally ill guests he would allow them to live out one last wish. Roarke's fantasies were not without peril, but the greatest danger usually came from the guests themselves. In some cases, people were killed due to their own negligence, aggression or arrogance.
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With only a few exceptions, Roarke always made it quite clear that he was powerless to stop a fantasy once it had begun and that guests must play them out to their conclusion.
Inga specifika citat om döda gäster och lite motsägelse senare:
Roarke often preceded particularly risky fantasies with a stern warning, word of caution, or even suggestion that the guest select another fantasy instead. He would then inform his guests that he was powerless to stop a fantasy once it had begun and must allow the fantasy to play out until its ultimate conclusion. Despite this, on rare occasions, Roarke will appear halfway through a fantasy to offer a guest an opportunity to terminate their fantasy, warning the guest that continuing the fantasy may lead to serious consequences (possibly even death). However, at that point, the guest will decide on their own to see the fantasy to its end, either for selfless reasons (regarding someone they had met during the fantasy) or naivety of what is in store for them. In the most serious cases, however, Roarke would invariably intervene and ensure his guests' safety.
Ett bra exempel på "gästförfrågningar eller accepterar ett dödligt utfall men är sparat eller inlöst" temat fungerar i avsnittet Hit Man / Simmaren »
In "Hit Man" a desperate man hires a hit man to eliminate him, so his family can inherit his lucrative insurance money. When suddenly an unexpected sales offer comes to him, is it too late or will Johnny Detroit do him in.
Spoiler alert: affären fungerar för honom och han släpper smalt av döden.
Full episod på YouTube:
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