Kort historia om klopp, katter och tidbomber


Jag letar efter namnet och författaren till en kortfattad historia om människor som skickar en tid bomb i det förflutna som tvingar en kattpopulation att utvecklas till sina skyddsmedel i deras nuvarande farliga omständigheter. Berättelsen visar också en planet som endast befolks av män, varav några muterar till substitut för kvinnor som kallas klopps.

uppsättning Joel Sommers 29.09.2016 16:25

1 svar


Det är "Suzdalens brott och härlighet" av Cordwainer Smith, en av hans Instrumentality of Mankind berättelser.

Att citera från den länkade Wikipedia-artikeln:

When he arrives he learns the horrible truth. The original settlers nearly became extinct, succumbing to a plague that (in Smith's words) rendered "femininity carcinogenic." They were only able to save their women by chemically (and later genetically) making them male. However, the resulting society is deeply unbalanced by the lack of females and ordinary family structure. The Arachosians, not truly male or female and calling themselves "klopts", realize on an instinctive level what they are missing and as a result, hate normal human beings with unbridled fervor and regard them as abominations to be destroyed (even though they have not seen one in many generations). To carry out this plan, they have dispatched traps in the form of messages, such as the one Suzdal encountered, throughout the galaxy.

When Suzdal wakes up, the Arachosians are already crawling over the outside of his ship. On the advice of an artificial security officer, he uses an emergency device intended to send his large spacecraft back a few seconds in time to instead hurl feline genetic material (coded to evolve for intelligence and to obey Suzdal) millions of years back on the far side of the local moon. A race of advanced, space-faring cat-descendants appears instantaneously and hail Suzdal as their god and creator. They engage the Arachosians at his order, allowing him to escape.

svaret ges 29.09.2016 17:13