Suzanne Collins har noterat att The Hunger Games är i grunden en modern (futuristisk) förkastning av antikens Roms era av * Panem et Circenses , bröd och cirkus och spel).
Detta förklarar deras namn utan namn. Men eftersom Panem finns i den verkliga jorden, med en kanske inte så avlägsen historia som innehåller det verkliga romerska riket , känner Panem-medborgarna om deras romerska arv?
Eller åtminstone gör några av dem. Självklart är de flesta av befolkningen i distrikten, som lever fattiga liv, ganska outbildade och vet nog inte och bryr sig inte om sådan gammal historia. Privileged Capitol-medborgare, liksom Plutarch Heavensbee, gör det klart. Med hänvisning till romanen Mockingjay som filmerna baserades på (min betoning):
"Oh, the city might be able to scrape along for a while," says Plutarch. "Certainly, there are emergency supplies stockpiled. But the significant difference between Thirteen and the Capitol are the expectations of the populace. Thirteen was used to hardship, whereas in the Capitol, all they've known is Panem et Circenses."
"What's that?" I recognize Panem , of course, but the rest is nonsense.
"It's a saying from thousands of years ago, written in a language called Latin about a place called Rome," he explains. "Panem et Circenses translates into 'Bread and Circuses.' The writer was saying that in return for full bellies and entertainment, his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power."
I think about the Capitol. The excess of food. And the ultimate entertainment. The Hunger Games. "So that's what the districts are for. To provide the bread and circuses."
"Yes. And as long as that kept rolling in, the Capitol could control its little empire. Right now, it can provide neither, at least at the standard the people are accustomed to," says Plutarch. "We have the food and I'm about to orchestrate an entertainment propo that's sure to be popular. After all, everybody loves a wedding."
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