Varför blir Sookie inte hög från vampyrblod?


Sookie Stackhouse mottar blod från Bill Compton många gånger, men hon verkar aldrig bli hög från vampyrblodet som andra karaktärer gör när de tar "V".

Är det här för att "V" brukar tas annorlunda, snarare än att suga direkt från en vampyr som Sookie gör?

OBS! Jag är bara upp till säsong 2 av True Blood använd spoiler-taggar om ditt svar innehåller spoilers.

uppsättning Jared 13.08.2014 00:27

1 svar


Tydligen detta:

Q. What’s the deal with the blood bond? Why do some people go crazy when they drink the blood of drained vampires? Why doesn’t Sookie get high when she takes blood from Bill or Eric?

A. Here goes: everything’s variable when it comes to vampire blood being ingested by humans. There is no formula that says, for example, that 2 ounces of vamp blood will make every blood junkie go nuts. Vampire blood is like any other street drug in that respect. The variables include the age of the blood (how long it’s been out of the vampire), the age of the vampire, and the mental condition and previous drug use of the imbiber. Blood taken straight from the vampire does not necessarily make the drinker high, unless he or she is already an addict. A blood bond may be formed when a vampire and a human exchange blood, though often it takes more than once. It also may depend on the emotional bond existing between them.

Då har du den här sidan av argumentet. Men akta dig för det här är bara fans som fans.


Denna wikiaartikel är en liten TMI, så akta dig.

If vampire blood is consumed by a human (or any other creature) in small dose (one or two drops), it will heighten the senses, increase strength, make an intense sexual experience, and cause hallucinations. The effects are different with each person; however, if the blood is taken in a large dose, it causes several different effects, such as healing someone who has injuries, even if they are dangerously close to death, and metaphysically or spiritually bond the drinker with the vampire in question. If taken in a large dose when there is no injury on the human, they will have an extremely increased libido.

svaret ges 13.08.2014 00:58