Varför är crossdressing så vanligt i Looney Tunes och relaterade WB Cartoons?


Tillbaka till början av Warner Bros-tecknade ser jag alltid Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck och andra tecken som Elmer och Taz crossdressing för olika bitar. Varför är det här ett återkommande tema för Looney Tunes / Merrie Melodies / etc tecknade filmer? Inga andra tecknade serier har detta, så ofta.

uppsättning cde 08.05.2016 04:54

1 svar


Per den här KLOS Intervju med , de personer som gjorde Bugs Bunny (och andra WB-tecknade filmer) trodde helt enkelt att sätta sin huvudperson / s till kvinnors kläder var om det roligaste du kan göra med dem. Publiken, för det mesta, kom överens och sålunda måste Bugs "dra upp det" åtminstone en gång några få teckningar.

M&B: ...I always wondered whose idea was it to put Bugs in drag the very first time? And did you have any negative connotations from whatever organization?

Chuck Jones: Well, at that time, which was before you guys were even born — it may be difficult for you to imagine a time when you weren't born. And I'm sure the public would agree that it's far better that you're here. But —

M&B: Depending on the day, Chuck.

Chuck Jones: The thing was at that time, if a man dressed up like a woman, there was no transvestite. Nobody even knew the term.

M&B: It was just funny.

Chuck Jones: It was just funny. The man would put on a woman's hat, and they would think that was funny. They wouldn't think that the man was turning into something "inappropriate."

M&B: Little did they know he really liked it.

Chuck Jones: Yeah, he did. We found that out as we went along.

svaret ges 08.05.2016 09:59