A "groundhog day" värld av animerade serien. Har denna trope ett namn?


Det finns ganska många serier (vanligtvis animeringar, för att göra det för någonting live-action skulle vara ganska svårt, antar jag) med en gemensam trope: tidslinjen går aldrig framåt.

"The Simpsons" har skett i 28 årstider (nästan 30 år!), men dess karaktärer åldras aldrig och aldrig Byta. Samma sak med "South Park" och " Family Guy ". Vad som än händer i någon episod har det (nästan) aldrig någon bestående inverkan på någonting.

I "South Park" är detta en grund för några löpande gags (som Kennys död), men varken "The Simpsons" eller "Family Guy" erkänner någonsin sin "Groundhog day" -existens.

Har denna trope ett namn?

uppsättning Mr Scapegrace 22.05.2017 14:01

3 svar


Detta kallas Comic-Book Time aka Floating Tidslinje aka Sliding Timescale.

The problem is this. On one hand, Superman is a high-selling, successful character with a lot of licenses and so on based off of him. You don't want him to age or die, because that means losing that successful character. On the other hand, Superman exists as part of a greater universe, and if all the stories in that universe are continuously frozen in time, that cuts off a lot of possibilities. So what do you do? Comic-Book Time. You use the illusion of time passing. You never refer to specific dates if you can help it, and you let characters change, but only a little.

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Eller kanske du tänker på Negativ kontinuitet

Not only is there no established continuity, but the show is free to completely wreck the continuity and be assured of a full reboot by the start of the next episode. Burned a hole in your favorite outfit? Don't worry, it'll be better next episode. Burned down your house? No worries, it will be back next time. Turned into a frog, died, destroyed the universe? No problem! If one episode ever continues from the last, it's only because it's part of a storyline too long for just one episode — don't expect any apparent changes from the previous episode to be recognized outside that specific storyline.

svaret ges 22.05.2017 14:18

TVTropes kallar det här Status Quo är Gud .

Within a work, particularly long-running series and franchises, almost nothing changes. If something does change, it's generally reset back to the way it was before very quickly.

En mer extrem form av detta är Negativ kontinuitet där händelser händer som ska har varaktiga följder för karaktärerna och deras miljö, men som helt ignoreras i följande episoder. "Kenny dör varje episod" Running gag av tidigare South Park säsonger är en parodi av detta.

svaret ges 22.05.2017 22:53

Det är också värt att nämna Återställ knappteknik .

The reset button technique (based on the idea of status quo ante) is a plot device that interrupts continuity in works of fiction. Simply put, use of a reset button device returns all characters and situations to the status quo they held before a major change of some sort was introduced. Typically it occurs either in the middle of a program and negates a portion of it, or it occurs at the beginning, or very end, of a program to negate all that came before it. Often used in science fiction television series, animated series, soap operas, and comic books, the device allows elaborate and dramatic changes to characters and the fictional universe that might otherwise invalidate the premise of the show with respect to future episodes or issues continuity.

svaret ges 23.05.2017 09:58