Vilka varelser ingår i Thanos slakt? [duplicera]


Jag har sett några tråder om huruvida Thanos skulle ha lyckats besegra Dormammu i en enda strid. Det verkar vara mestadels spekulation, men det fick mig att tänka.

Har Dormammu haft 50/50 chans att också

perishing with Thanos' snap? Or is he a being outside the scope of that is defined as "life"?

Vad med resten av varelserna på jorden?

Were half the cats and dogs wiped out too? What about insects?

I Avengers: Infinity War fick vi bara se

humans fall victim to the snap, but Thanos explicitly said "half of all life", and it didn't seem to be species-specific.

Ännu viktigare, om Thanos dödades

half of all animals on Earth,

Det skulle gå långt mot att kritiskt krossa hela världens ekosystem. Eventuellt omöjligt att reparera.

uppsättning Alec 11.10.2018 11:56

1 svar


Allt liv

In an interview with Birth Movies Death, Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige confirmed that it wasn't just people that died with that finger snapping. When asked about plants and animals, Feige confirmed that half of the plants and animals of the world are now gone, too. He said, "Yes! Yes. All life."


Nu vet vi att detta sträcker sig till 616 rymduniverset, men om det sträcker sig till andra "riker / universer / dimensioner", så som Dormammu, är det inte klart, men det verkar osannolikt.

Om Thanos kunde vara med i snapet ... sa Joe Russo ...

You can ask if he allowed himself to be apart of that random process. He does have a very interesting look on his face. When we come back to him after the snap before he disappears, a look of surprise.


... som kan tolkas på båda sätten beroende på din synvinkel.

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svaret ges 11.10.2018 12:13