Vi vet inte
Mycket lite var skrivet om Vanyar , så vi får inte uttryckligen veta vilka egenskaper Manwë beundrade i dem .
Om jag var tvungen att gissa, skulle jag föreslå att de var närmast Elven av Arda Unmarred, det hypotetiska resultatet av Ainurs musik inte störd av Melkors motvilja. Vi berättas några gånger i Silmarillion att Manwë var mest anpassad till Ilúvatars vilja; till exempel:
Manwë was the brother of Melkor in the mind of Ilúvatar, and he was the chief instrument of the second theme that Ilúvatar had raised up against the discord of Melkor
The Silmarillion I Ainulindalë
Manwë is dearest to Ilúvatar and understands most clearly his purposes
The Silmarillion II Valaquenta
Vanyar visar några egenskaper som skulle stämma överens med denna världsutsikt:
De var medlemmar i Eldars första stam, som alla accepterade kallelsen till Aman; Detta är kontrast till de andra två stammarna, som upplevde discord i sina led och delade in i Avari (som vägrade den stora resan) och Noldor och Teleri. Som jag påpekade i mitt svar på ovan länkad fråga , identifierade Vanyar fortfarande sig som den här stammen:
This name [Vanyar] was probably given to the First Clan by the Noldor. They accepted it, but continued to call themselves most often by their own numerical name Minyar (since the whole of this clan had joined the Eldar and reached Aman).
History of Middle-earth XI The War of the Jewels "Part 4. Quendi and Eldar" Part C: The Clan-names "Vanyar"
De var Melkoras största fiender och ville inte ha någonting att göra med honom:
Now in his heart Melkor most hated the Eldar, both because they were fair and joyful and because in them he saw the reason for the arising of the Valar, and his own downfall. Therefore all the more did he feign love for them and seek their friendship, and he offered them the service of his lore and labour in any great deed that they would do. The Vanyar indeed held him in suspicion, for they dwelt in the light of the Trees and were content;
The Silmarillion III Quenta Silmarillion Chapter 6: "Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor"