Book med valrossliknande utomjordingar som invaderar och använder asteroider för att torka ut större städer [duplicera]


Jag kommer ihåg år sedan läser en del av en bok som påminner om Footfall men jag kan inte komma ihåg namnet eller för mycket om det.

Några fakta som sticker ut var de invaderande utomjordingarna som beskrivs som valrosser, New Orleans och andra större städer hade drabbats av asteroider och det nämns att Japan övergav omedelbart till inkräktarna medan Amerika fortfarande har militärt motstånd i Rocky Mountains . Jag tycker att det var en Baen-publicerad bok.

uppsättning John Smith 24.07.2014 21:51

2 svar


Detta är " Empire's Crucible " av Eric Flint.

boken öppnas i Rocky Mountains efter en invasion (av utomjordingar med tusks).

Conquered by the Jao twenty years ago, the Earth is shackled under alien tyranny - and threatened by the even more dangerous Ekhat, one of whose genocidal extermination fleets is coming to the solar system. The only chance for human survival is in the hands of an unusual pair of allies: a young Jao prince, newly arrived to Terra to assume his duties, and a young human woman brought up amongst the Jao occupiers. But, as their tentative alliance takes shape, they are under pressure from all sides. A cruel Jao viceroy on one side, determined to drown all opposition in blood; a reckless human resistance on the other, which is perfectly prepared to shed it. Added to the mix is the fact that only by adopting some portions of human technology and using human sepoy troops can the haughty Jao hope to defeat the oncoming Ekhat attack - and then only by fighting the battle within the sun itself

Som du har nämnt i din kommentar nedan har boken föregåtts av " Kursen av Imperium ",

svaret ges 24.07.2014 22:18

Kan det vara " Midnatt i själens välkomst " av Jack L. Chalker?

Utlänningarna beskrivs som " Walrus-ormar ".

They could see a giant figure coming toward them, and all stepped back to the rear edge of the platform. As the figure came closer, they could see that it was like nothing in the known universe: a human torso, incredibly broad, an oval-shaped head with a huge white walrus mustache, six arms spaced in rows down the torso, and the torso melding into a huge serpentine lower half five or more meters in length.

svaret ges 24.07.2014 22:09