Varför känner C-3PO inte med sin egen hemmaplan?


I början av Star Wars IV. När C-3PO och R2D2 landar på Tatooine, verkar det som om C-3PO inte vet var han är?

Varför känner C-3PO inte hemstaden?

uppsättning user54210 11.10.2015 12:40

2 svar


Eftersom slutet av Episod III hade C-3PO sitt minne torkades av Captain Antilles


“How lovely!” C-3PO exclaimed. “His daughter is the child of Master Anakin and Senator Amidala,” he explained to R2-D2. “I can hardly wait to tell her all about her parents! I’m sure she will be very proud-“

“Oh, and the protocol droid?” Senator Organa said thoughtfully. “Have its mind wiped.” The captain saluted. “Oh,” said C-3PO. “Oh, dear.” - Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Novelisation

svaret ges 11.10.2015 12:46

I slutet av Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith :

C-3PO and R2-D2 fall into the custody of Bail Organa, who orders that C-3PO's memories be erased to protect the twins from their father.

Nedre kanonskalan har vi också följande citat från comic Vader vs Artoo & Threepio :

Vader: "No… I am your creator!"
C-3PO: "Noooo!! You see, sir, shortly after the Jedi were wiped out, my memory was erased. So that could explain why I'm having difficulty verifying your statement."

I en EU-roman rådde C-3PO av silverprotokollet droid CP-16 för att acceptera ett minnetorka om situationen uppstod:

C-3PO conferred with a silver protocol droid who warned him that dark times were ahead. He told C-3PO to accept a memory wipe if it was ever offered, as the alternative would be living in confusion as the lines between good and evil were blurred.

svaret ges 11.10.2015 12:49