Did Ram blir bit i erkännaren?


I Tron ser karaktärsramen att blekna in i den skadade igenkännaren som Flynn återställde. Kort därefter kommer en bit att följa med Flynn på sin resa till I / O-tornet. Blev Ram den här biten på ett sätt som lever efter döden (om än på ett reducerat sätt), eller var biten alltid där men det kom tillfälligt inte ut tills Ram löpte ut?

uppsättning Xantec 15.02.2012 19:31

2 svar


Jag var alltid om den var Clu s, han förlorade den när tanken förstördes:

As Clu attempted to get away, he was ambushed by a Recognizer. Clu fired at it and successfully destroyed it, but its remains rained down on Clu's tank. The vehicle went out of control as the blast radius lifted the tank to its side and crashed into one of the many walls in the maze of the memory sector.

Och från Flynn's Recognizer artikeln på Tron Wikia.

In the novelization, the pieces that form this Recognizer are the remains of one of the Recognizers Clu destroyed in the beginning of the movie.

Så jag antar att det bara följde Flynn när han såg honom och trodde att det var Clu.

svaret ges 15.02.2012 20:34

Biten verkar vara länkad till Clu, och därmed inget att göra med Ram, som vid denna tidpunkt helt hade gått ner.

The Bit edged forward, trying for a better look at Flynn. It came a little farther. Flynn whirled on it, holding up his hand with thumb and forefinger out as if it were a gun. “Okay; hold it right there!” He wondered what eerie new development the System was about to toss his way.

It was a glittering, faceted shape, nearly a sphere. The Bit cringed timidly, then saw Flynn’s face. Thinking it had found Clu again, it came closer. The Bit expanded into a spiky green star and, overjoyed, shouted, “Yeah!”

Tron: A Novel


“Absolutely,” replied the Bit energetically. “Yup!” It had missed Clu terribly since taking refuge in the Reco he’d destroyed with his tank. It was deliriously happy to be back with him, but didn’t understand why he had become so forgetful. “Only yes and no,” Flynn ruminated, brows knit. Then it dawned on him. “You’re a Bit!”

Tron: A Novel

svaret ges 27.10.2016 21:21