Ringen själv var tänkt att vara den mest kraftfulla ringen av alla ... Kom ihåg linjen "One Ring to Rule them All .."
Ringen var tillverkade av Sauron så det blev ont. Det har också sagt sig vara en del av honom.
The Ring of Power was created by Sauron. They are one. Sauron survived because the Ring did.
Eftersom ringen är ond så börjar den att varpa och böja sinnet hos människor som är i besittning av att de gör dem mer och mer onda ju mer de håller och bär den.
Because the ring was created by Sauron it became evil in itself. The ring caused those who possessed it to become obsessed with it, so much so that they might kill anyone who showed too much interest in it or attempted to touch the Ring. With an evil will of its own, the Ring would make attempts to return to its Master. It could "call out" subliminally to other persons, in an attempt to get them to pick it up or possibly kill the current owner. It was also capable of slipping unnoticed from the owner's finger, leaving him vulnerable to attack or to gain a new owner that would help get the Ring back to Sauron. Frodo Baggins was warned by Bilbo that the Ring tended to "slip away" at odd times, and compensated for this by wearing it on a chain around his neck.
Ett av de bästa exemplen var Smeagol som efter århundraden av att ringen blev Gollum.
Se bara på den fysiska omvandlingen:
För att inte tala om den mentala förändringen ...
Around the year TA 2463, Sméagol became the fourth Bearer of the One Ring, after Sauron, Isildur, and Déagol. Déagol was his cousin, and on Sméagol's birthday, they went fishing in the Gladden Fields north of the mountains.
It was there that Déagol found a gold ring, after being pulled into the water by a large fish. Almost immediately, Sméagol fell to the power of the ring and demanded it as a birthday present. When Deágol refused, Sméagol promptly went into a barbaric rage and fought with Deagol over the ring and strangled him to death and took the ring as his own. Sméagol was quickly corrupted further by the ring and banished by his people, turned by his grandmother out of her hole, he was forced to find a home in a cave in the Misty Mountains in around TA 2470. The Ring's malignant influence twisted his Hobbit body, as well as his mind, and prolonged his life far beyond its natural limits. He called it his "Precious" or his "Birthday Present," the latter as a justification for killing Déagol.
Ringen förstörde Smeagol lätt och fick honom att döda sin egen kusin, och det finns gott om stunder i böckerna och filmerna som visar Ringens onda inflytande frestande tecken att döda varandra bara för att hålla ringen för sig själva.
Ringen var i huvudsak inte så fascinerande att det var ondskan och manipulerade människor att bli obsessiva över det till den punkt som de inte kan dela med det ...
The power it held over Gollum was so great that even as the ring fell into the fires of Mount Doom that Gollum didn't care that he was plunging into his death as he had finally gotten his "Precious" back.