Enligt SharkBite® installationsinstruktioner (PDF) måste du installera en jumper till " säkerställa korrekt jordning ".
Om jag har två sektioner kopparrör (vatten eller gas) ansluten med en kopplingskoppling (t.ex. Shark Bite-märkes rörkopplingar), är det elektriska kontinuiteten bevarad, eller behöver jag göra något extra som bindande hoppare över varje tee eller fack för att upprätthålla elektrisk kontinuitet för jordning / bindning?
För tydlighet hänvisar jag inte till att använda antingen vatten- eller gasledningssystem som jordningselektrod, utan snarare NEC 250.104 (citerad nedan från 2014 NEC):
250.104 Bonding of Piping Systems and Exposed Structural Metal.
(A) Metal Water Piping. The metal water piping system shall be bonded as required in (A)(1), (A)(2), or (A)(3) of this section. The bonding jumper(s) shall be installed in accordance with 250.64(A), (B), and (E). The points of attachment of the bonding jumper(s) shall be accessible.
(1) General. Metal water piping system(s) installed in or attached to a building or structure shall be bonded to the service equipment enclosure, the grounded conductor at the service, the grounding electrode conductor where of sufficient size, or to the one or more grounding electrodes used. The bonding jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.66 except as permitted in 250.104(A)(2) and (A)(3).
(2) Buildings of Multiple Occupancy. In buildings of multiple occupancy where the metal water piping system(s) installed in or attached to a building or structure for the individual occupancies is metallically isolated from all other occupancies by use of nonmetallic water piping, the metal water piping system(s) for each occupancy shall be permitted to be bonded to the equipment grounding terminal of the switchgear, switchboard, or panelboard enclosure (other than service equipment) supplying that occupancy. The bonding jumper shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.122, based on the rating of the overcurrent protective device for the circuit supplying the occupancy.
(3) Multiple Buildings or Structures Supplied by a Feeder(s) or Branch Circuit(s). The metal water piping system(s) installed in or attached to a building or structure shall be bonded to the building or structure disconnecting means enclosure where located at the building or structure, to the equipment grounding conductor run with the supply conductors, or to the one or more grounding electrodes used. The bonding jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with 250.66, based on the size of the feeder or branchcircuit conductors that supply the building or structure. The bonding jumper shall not be required to be larger than the largest ungrounded feeder or branch-circuit conductor supplying the building or structure.
(B) Other Metal Piping. If installed in, or attached to, a building or structure, a metal piping system(s), including gas piping, that is likely to become energized shall be bonded to any of the following:
(1) Equipment grounding conductor for the circuit that is likely to energize the piping system
(2) Service equipment enclosure
(3) Grounded conductor at the service
(4) Grounding electrode conductor, if of sufficient size
(5) One or more grounding electrodes used
The bonding conductor(s) or jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with 250.122, using the rating of the circuit that is likely to energize the piping system(s). The points of attachment of the bonding jumper(s) shall be accessible. Informational Note No. 1: Bonding all piping and metal air ducts within the premises will provide additional safety. Informational Note No. 2: Additional information for gas piping systems can be found in Section 7.13 of NFPA 54- 2012, National Fuel Gas Code.
(C) Structural Metal. Exposed structural metal that is interconnected to form a metal building frame and is not intentionally grounded or bonded and is likely to become energized shall be bonded to the service equipment enclosure; the grounded conductor at the service; the disconnecting means for buildings or structures supplied by a feeder or branch circuit; the grounding electrode conductor, if of sufficient size; or to one or more grounding electrodes used. The bonding jumper(s) shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.66 and installed in accordance with 250.64(A), (B), and (E). The points of attachment of the bonding jumper( s) shall be accessible unless installed in compliance with 250.68(A), Exception No. 2.
(D) Separately Derived Systems. Metal water piping systems and structural metal that is interconnected to form a building frame shall be bonded to separately derived systems in accordance with (D)(1) through (D)(3).
(1) Metal Water Piping System(s). The grounded conductor of each separately derived system shall be bonded to the nearest available point of the metal water piping system(s) in the area served by each separately derived system. This connection shall be made at the same point on the separately derived system where the grounding electrode conductor is connected. Each bonding jumper shall be sized in accordance with Table 250.66 based on the largest ungrounded conductor of the separately derived system.
Exception No. 1: A separate bonding jumper to the metal water piping system shall not be required where the metal water piping system is used as the grounding electrode for the separately derived system and the water piping system is in the area served.
Exception No. 2: A separate water piping bonding jumper shall not be required where the metal frame of a building or structure is used as the grounding electrode for a separately derived system and is bonded to the metal water piping in the area served by the separately derived system.
(3) Common Grounding Electrode Conductor. Where a common grounding electrode conductor is installed for multiple separately derived systems as permitted by 250.30(A)(6), and exposed structural metal that is interconnected to form the building frame or interior metal piping exists in the area served by the separately derived system, the metal piping and the structural metal member shall be bonded to the common grounding electrode conductor in the area served by the separately derived system.
Exception: A separate bonding jumper from each derived system to metal water piping and to structural metal members shall not be required where the metal water piping and the structural metal members in the area served by the separately derived system are bonded to the common grounding electrode conductor.
Enligt SharkBite® installationsinstruktioner (PDF) måste du installera en jumper till " säkerställa korrekt jordning ".
Din fråga börjar med NEC 250.52 Jordningselektroder (A) (1) Metall underjordiskt vattenrör. Det står att detta kan användas för vattenrör i direkt kontakt med jorden för 10 fot och måste vara elektriskt kontinuerlig. Personligen gillar jag inte tryckpassning för att användas i denna situation och skulle vilja se en bindväska, men kom ihåg det här måste bara vara 10 '. På en annan personlig anteckning gillade jag aldrig tanken på att jorda till en gasrörsperiod. Aldrig har aldrig gjort det.
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