Vilka eller vilka är de mänskliga karaktärerna i den ursprungliga Hildebrandt Star Wars-affischen 1977?


Vem eller vilka är de mänskliga karaktärerna i den ursprungliga Hildebrandt Star Wars-affischen 1977? De är definitivt inte Mark Hamill eller Carrie Fisher. Finns det någon kanoninformation om huruvida de var baserade på specifika mänskliga modeller eller helt avdragna från konstnärernas fantasi?

uppsättning Major Stackings 13.07.2014 08:12

1 svar


Per , de skådespelare du ser i affischen är Mark Hamill och Carrie Fisher, om än starkt stiliserad.

Poster du har visat var en " reimagining " (t.ex. en kopia) av en tidigare affisch ritad av Tom Jung (se nedan). Hildebrand-bröderna fick Jung-affischen, men inte headshots av Carrie Fisher och Mark Hamill och bad om att göra det till en uppsättning färgade filmaffischer.

"We had a problem with Carrie Fisher," noted Jung, "because they wanted to make her more glamorous. I got my wife to pose for the drawing, and I changed the hairdo and shoved the paint around until I came up with the figure you see now. Carrie Fisher's mother, Debbie Reynolds, loved the poster. She called David Weitzner at Fox's advertising department and asked if she could have the painting, so he asked me to do a duplicate painting, which is now hanging in Carrie Fisher's house. The original painting is at Skywalker Ranch." Cinefantastique Feb. '97 (by Lawrence French)


They hired twins Tim and Greg Hildebrandt, who were well-known fantasy artists at the time, to paint their own take on the Jung design. “The reason they called us is because Tim and I had just done the Lord of the Rings calendar, and we had a fan following.” says Greg Hildebrandt. “We had come through literally overnight for them on a poster for Young Frankenstein. It wasn’t used, but we did it overnight, so they called us and said we need a poster fast.” Star Wars Poster Book

svaret ges 13.07.2014 08:34