Jag har ofta hört att vissa restauranger använder Atlantic pollock för fisk och chips. Din fråga pekade på mitt intresse och jag bestämde mig för att leta lite.
In Britain and Ireland, cod and haddock appear most commonly as the fish used for fish and chips,[31] but vendors also sell many other kinds of fish, especially other white fish, such as pollock or coley, plaice, skate, and ray (particularly popular in Ireland); and huss or rock salmon (a term covering several species of dogfish and similar fish).
In the United States, the type of fish used depends on availability in a given region. Some common types are cod, halibut, flounder, tilapia or, in New England, Atlantic cod or haddock. Salmon is growing common on the West Coast, while freshwater catfish is most frequently used in the Southeast. In Canada, pollock, haddock, and halibut are popular choices, alongside cod.
Enligt min erfarenhet skulle pollock och hälleflundra (närmare bestämt) vara närmare smaken av torsk och kolja än några av de andra.