Nej. Det finns absolut ingen kanonbekräftelse (i bokstexter, kompletterande material, filmer, Pottermore eller intervjuer med JKR) som indikerar att Bertha Jorkins var gravid, inte heller att Voldemort ville ha henne för någon annan anledning än de minnen hon bar om Crouch Jr. och hennes kunskaper om Triwizard Turneringen.
Den som kom med denna fanteori verkar ha byggt det helt på egen tolkning av citat som JKR gav 2007, att det sätt på vilket Voldemort kom av hans rudimentära kropp gjorde hennes redaktör att känna sig fysiskt sjuk:
JKR: I see it as a series of things you would have to do. So you would have to perform a spell. But you would also-- I don't even know if I want to say it out loud, I know that sounds funny. But I did really think it through. There are two things that I think are too horrible, actually, to go into detail about. One of them is how Pettigrew brought Voldemort back into a rudimentary body. 'Cause I told my editor what I thought happened there, and she looked as though she was gonna vomit. And then-- and the other thing is, how you make a Horcrux. And I don't even like-- I don't know. Will it be in the Encyclopedia? I don't know if I can bring myself to, ummm... I don't know.