Vilka är burkarna av röd och blå vätska i sickbay?

Under hela Star Trek: Nästa generation , röda och blåa krukor ses ofta i sickbay, som i den här skärmdumpen från Evolution :

Vad är de?

uppsättning Paul D. Waite 26.02.2016 23:02

3 svar


De verkar vara C24th ta på apotekare carboys som är en traditionell symbol för någonstans du kan få medicin. De innehåller bara färgad vätska.

The carboy is a recognised symbol of the pharmaceutical profession. It dates back to the 1600s when they were used to distinguish between pharmacists and apothecaries who used a pestle and mortar as their sign.Some historians believe that they became more important during outbreaks of the plague in the 1600s. People needed to reach pharmacists quickly and literacy levels were low, the carboys were used as a guide.



Some carboys are made of coloured glass and others contain coloured liquids. They showed customers the purpose of the shop when few could read. The reason for their colourfulness was to attract custom. There are many explanations for the use of certain colours.

Meanings of colours

The reasons below have medical origins:

Blue and Red - represents venous (deoxygenated) and arterial (oxygenated) blood. 1

svaret ges 01.03.2016 23:11

Spekulation: Den röda kan vara Cordrazine - som McCoy visas med en hypo av röd vätska som identifieras som Cordrazine i City on the Edge of Forever

Cordrazine was a strong chemical stimulant useful for emergency medical treatment. It was primarily used to stimulate the heart during cardiac arrest. The drug was a red liquid and was injected with a hypospray. In 2267, Captain Kirk noted that cordrazine was "tricky stuff," (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever") but by the 24th century, it had become ubiquitous and was being used by physicians in much higher doses than in Kirk's day.

CitatfrånpostenpåcordrazinepåMemoryAlpha: länk

svaret ges 27.02.2016 03:56

Jag trodde alltid att det var bio-mimetisk gel, det verkar som en bra förklaring till mig. Du kan inte kopiera några komplexa medicinska kemikalier utan biomimetisk gel.

svaret ges 03.07.2018 15:56