romaniseringen av filmen säger uttryckligen att det verkligen är tänkt att vara en "thumbs- upp "från BB-8
“Doing the best I can down here.” Rey vanished again. As soon as she
was out of sight, the grateful Finn gave BB-8 a thumbs-up. The droid
responded by shooting out a welding torch in imitation of the human’s
Liksom 2017 Star Wars Annual
" Efter BB-8 avslöjar läget för resistansbasen, byter båda utbyten
en tummen upp . "
Liksom Star Wars: Absolut allt du behöver veta, uppdaterad och utökad utgåva
" Använda sin svetsbrännare för att ge tummen upp "
original manus är något mer tvetydigt, men avsikten är ganska fin klar
Finn: Yeah, the Ileenium system, that's the one -- get us there as fast as you
A smiling Finn gives BB-8 a THUMBS UP. BB-8 quickly extends his
WELDING TORCH and TURNS IT UPWARD, then retracts it.
Filmensspecialeffekter,NealScanlan,bekräftadesuttryckligenienintervjumedMTV.comattdetvartänktattvara"tummen upp".
"I think the reaction that BB-8 has to Finn would have been a
practical effect that we shot on the Milennium Falcon, but the
reaction to the thumbs up is something that definitely came later in
the day," Scanlan said.
"That thumbs up moment is exactly that," confirmed Guyett. "I think
it’s a real BB-8 and then we inserted a CG panel and its arm that came
out. So all of his tools, if you like, when he fires his wires and he
does that stuff, that’s sort of digital CG."