Frank Underwood sa om Confederacy:
I personally take no pride in the Confederacy. Avoid wars you can’t win and never raise your flag for an asinine cause like slavery.
I en annan scen:
where he's confronted with a photo of his father wearing a KKK robe
han kallar det "föraktligt".
Franks syn på slaveri lämnade mig flummoxed. Jag trodde att Frank - en man utan samvete - skulle vara för slaveri, eller åtminstone likgiltigt för det.
De bästa anledningarna till att jag kan komma på är hans vänskap med Freddie och verkligheten om han sitter i slaveri. Men om så är fallet skulle det springa i strid med hans karaktär. Om så är fallet, varför lämna det i skriptet alls?
Varför var Frank så emot slaveri?
Frank Underwood har utvecklat en anda av motsägelse mot sina rötter och hans pappa.
Frank's father was a peach farmer in Gaffney, South Carolina, who died of a heart attack at the age of 43. Underwood has stated that he and his father had nothing in common whatsoever, and upon his father's death, he felt neither regret nor remorse. He also speaks about his father's cowardice, weak personality and drunken behavior.
Raised in impoverished circumstances, he found his hometown suffocating at the time.
House of Cards Wikia
South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union (Dec. 1860), and was one of the founder members of the Confederacy (Feb. 1861).Wikipedia
I grew up here, in the up country-- Bibles, barbecues, and broken backs. Everything gets just a little bit thicker this far south-- The air, the blood, even me. I try to make it down here at least once a month. Every trip is a reminder of how far I've come. I hated Gaffney as a kid, when I had nothing, but now I've come to appreciate it. It's not as suffocating as it once was, except when I have to deal with the sort of nonsense that makes me want to hang myself.
Season 1, Chapter 3
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