unknown anime med ett litet vitt hår (?) Pojke som kan kommunicera med andar som från naturen


Det enda jag kan komma ihåg av showen är att pojken har någon form av makt att kommunicera med alla slags andar. Han reser runt runt på en jätte flygande sköldpadda och bor också på den tillsammans med andra andar. Det kan ha varit en skog på sköldpaddan också.

Han går runt och försöker lugna ner alla andar som gick med berserk (och samlar också / befinner sig i dem?), som elementära sprit som vinden som jag minns honom engagerar med en som skapade en jätte twister, kan pojken också Använd andra andes krafter som han vände med att hjälpa honom med på sitt äventyr.

Pojken är också åtföljd av en vanlig tjej (kan ha blivit räddad av pojken på den första epken, kan inte komma ihåg) som hjälper honom.

Mål var okänt / glömt.

uppsättning Xoopi 14.04.2018 10:10

1 svar


Det kan vara Michel :

The series begins with an artifact being stolen from a museum by a group of thieves called the Black Hammer Gang. Following their escape, they are pursued by a young girl named Kim who wants to take her father's inventions (which the Black Hammer Gang had stolen) back from them. Kim chases the thieves until both the Black Hammer Gang and Kim fall on a strange island inhabited by fairies and its guardian Michel. The Black Hammer Gang tries to steal the life source of the island (and in essence the universe since the fairies represent nature) called the tree of life. Causing damage to the land and kidnapping the fairies, Michel and Kim have to combat the Black Hammer gang and take back the fairies in order to restore balance to nature.

De två huvudpersonerna är:

Michel: Michel is the title character and male protagonist. The Guardian of the Tree of life and protector of the fairies, of nature, Michel is very kind hearted and has a great love for and respect for nature and also appears to possess some telepathic powers, being able to sense another person's thoughts and feelings just by touching another person's hand.

Kim: The series' main female protagonist. Kim first meets Michel after her plane crashes on the island, it is here where she meets the other fairies and sees the Tree of Life. Following the Black Hammer Gang's attack and the Tree of Life dying she and Michel set off to rescue the other fairies and save the Tree of Life. Following an attack on her father's lab by the Black Hammer Gang Salame stole one of her father's inventions, a space ship, which would later become their main base. As she escaped the laboratory was destroyed and Kim's father was presumably killed. As a result, she harbors a strong dislike for the black Hummer Gang and is determined to stop them no matter the cost. Kim is also the pilot of a small multipurpose aircraft which she calls Honeybee.

svaret ges 22.06.2018 18:12